MAD HATTER PAGE 6 For Rent Emmaculate Family Home in the Highland Sub Division of Pitt Meadows. This sml (1200 sq. ft) Rancher has 3 bedrooms, fireplace, large full enclosed yard. Is situated close to schools and shopping areas. This house is available from the end of June, and we would prefer non smokers without pets. If you would like more information please phone Peter or Anne at 465-6766 or 437-6465. GOVERNANCE "WHITE PAPER" Bill Day's position paper on College Governance nas been printed, and should now be in the hands of all faculty and = on ms The Deans will be ensuring that the paper 1s given consideration at the Departmental level within each Divison. Commentary and criticism from each Div- ision will be reviewed by the Governance Steering Committee, which was establish- ec at the last Management Committee Meeting. This Steering Committee con- sists of: . Pean of Applied Programs (Chairman) Dean Academic Programs Dean Community Pregrams and Services Dean of Educational and Student Services One Elected Faculty Representative from each of the Four Educational Divisions One 5B.C.G.E.U. Representative One Couglas College Faculty Association Representative. OO Fh Fh Fi This Committee will review commentary and criticism and make a recommendation co the College President by June 30. The Management Committee has agree that the structure should be fully des- cribed and apreroved in order that election can occur in late August, thus having @ governance svstem in full cper- ation before the end of September. r further information, olease contact Redmond, Chaimman, Governance Steer- ing Committee. my 4 O j For Sale Two Japanese roll-up blinds - white with bamboo battins. Size 6' x 6' - $28.00 aa. Contact Andrew, Surrey Campus, loc. 242. FOR SALE - 4-6 ft. CEDAR BOX HEDGES $25 each, o.b.o. I'll dig, U pick up. Andrew, Surrey Campus, loc. 242. COMMUNITY ARTS CCUNCIL CF VANCCUVER - TWO-PERSCN EXHIBITION a7 The Community Arts Council Gallery is presenting a two-person exhibition by two young Vancouver artists, Cherilyn Faye and Patrick McFarlane. The ex- hibition will include paintings and drawings in a graphic, illustrative style. The exhibition will be held at the Community Arts Council Gallery, from June 1 to June 12, 315 West Cordova Street, Vancouver, B.C. 683-4358. The Gallery hours are 10 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. VPD THE VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT Wants exceptional women and men for a career in professional policing. If you meet these basic qualifications: Canadian Citizen, Age: Females 19-35 years, Males 19-35 years, Height: Females 5 ft. 4in. or above, Male 5 ft. 8in. or above, Current 3.C. driver's licence, Medically and ohysically fit, able to swim well, minimum grade 12 (or equivalent) CALL US: 665-2240 or write VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT, Start Deve lopment Office, 312 Main Street, Vancouver, 8.C. V6A 2T2