e PHOS goer ec ee See OSS SSSHSESEHSSEOH OHSS HHHESHHHESHOSHSHHESHSHHSHHETHHHOHHHHHHSHHHHHHOHHSH HOSES OOESE ° What's Available in Surrey (Contd. ) EFFECTIVE PARENTING Parenting is one of the most important jobs we do and yet it is one for wnich we are least prepared. This is a course designed by a psychologist and a motner to help parents better understand themselves and their children. It will provide an opportunity for parents to learn and practise communica- tion skills and child management techniques, as well as to share common concerns in small group discussions. Course will be offered at : PRINCE CHARLES SCHOOL (Library) 12405 - 100 Avenue, Surrey TUESDAY evenings 8100 to 10 p.m. beginning JANUARY 21, 1975 (six weekly sessions) $2.00 per individual for couple) Sponsored by: The Surrey-White Rock Family Life Association “BALL ScHMALL: I wawnocoToOLAW SCHOOL { ” SCOSES OLE OCOD ESSEC OSCE COP PHC OT OOO OE OEE E ECE SESO OOOO EEEOEH EO EEEE OOOO EOEHE EE EO OS EES ESE EEEEE SOOO OEOE SEES SEH O EH EH ESESES EOS eeeceeecce S eccccccccccccccresseccscescee @eecerceesececcscccececes VERE RSME ERR ELSA SERS E TOES ERENT SN COC CATON CC DCIS ONT Wo ban au 6's eeccee | | | | | | | | | | |