HUMOUR. Laugh out loud hilarious? Contact the editor at UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO INTRODUCES NEW EXPRESS CHECKOUT FOR ARTS DEGREES FEATURED Lea |S tosis igh school graduates looking to transition as quickly as possible into a barista position are in luck. The University of Toronto, in a bid to collect on easy tuition money more quickly, has opened a brand-new express checkout counter for arts degrees, dubbed E-Z Degree. “The first E-Z Degree will be located on the second floor of the library, and we expect to see an average enrolment- to-graduation time of less than twenty minutes,” the university stated at the system’s grand unveiling. “Conveniently, we will be accepting numerous methods of payment, including cash, cheque, debit, Visa, Mastercard PayPass, flex dollars, OSAP loans and internal organs.” But what about the students who are not looking to rush through their degree? “We have no doubt that many students You Bottles Beware! will still want to spend a full ‘our years here, which is why we're continuing to support the original Arts degree format,” said Arts Faculty Coordinator Diane Johnston in an email interview. “As we all know, an Arts Degree offers a perfect opportunity for students to squeeze four years of living and eating expenses from their parents as they ‘figure out’ what they want to do in life.” “Further, many Arts students will want to take full advantage of U of T’s beautiful, spacious, and acoustically sound lecture rooms to browse facebook in. Our numerous, quiet, and well-staffed libraries are also popular locations to browse facebook in, and our private, accessible and comfortable dorms are the perfect place to pre-drink and sleep in until mid-afternoon... and browse facebook in.” However, not all students have parents gullible enough to pay for the vague hope that their child will somehow attain enough talent and self- motivation to acquire a real Comedy Classics By Joel McCarthy, Graphics Manager http:/ / watch?v=4dKwHOfd2dk This week’s Comedy Classic features the guy you don’t want to live with after a natural disaster. Enjoy these two minutes of an obese man destroying water bottles of all shapes and sizes with swords. It starts out marginally funny, but becomes quite mesmerizing near the end—he isn’t terrible at what he does. The video's highlight comes at the 30-second mark, when he goes prison rules on a water cooler jug. 22 career after pursuing “Arts.” With E-Z Degree, students can get into the workforce as quickly as possible to start paying off their OSAP loans. “It’s common knowledge that any adult minimum wage job is impossible to get these days without a bachelor’s degree in something,” said Jason Crichton, who will be entering the University of Toronto next year. “That’s why I decided, hell, why spend four years pretending I’m actually learning anything? Might as well rip the Band-Aid off quickly and jump right into student debt with both feet.” Once E-Z Degree is in place, U of T will become the sixth Ontario university to implement such a system, with Ryerson, York, Guelph, Carleton and Western having offered similar express checkout degrees for many years. “Tf all goes well, we might even look at bringing E-Z Degree to other faculties and departments at U of T,” Johnston stated. E-Z Degree is slated to open for the 2014-2015 academic year, with the standard package including: ¢ 1 arts degree, redeemable at any Starbucks, McDonalds, Cineplex or H&M ¢ 1 pamphlet describing vague memories of attending psychology, sociology and/or philosophy class but retaining nothing more than a handful of useless trivia e $38,000 of student debt ° Regret CONTINUED ON PG. 29 @ Breaking news: Ryan Gosling still attractive