DOUGLAS COLLEGEDAY Every Thursday afternoon ‘ from 2:00 pm til 7:00 pm. am “Dance Your Socks Of" with Music by James 740 Carnarvon St. Get to know your class mates better. ‘After class enjoy = 521-3757 little music, dancing and total relaxation. We are your host every thursday from 2pm to 7pm. DD DDD DD DDD DL ent of Canada hi The Govet. These COS ia Guaranteed loans to pa : a : : Information n and applicatio . 2 or through the Depart ) (telephone to toll-fr e Increased weekly Information av e Interest f relief Information ‘ and ap Centre, lending inst (telephone toll-fr e Special ree ond mtac (eelephone toll-free, 1 The Secretary of State Le Secrétaire d’Etat of Canada du Canada L'honorable Serge Joyal The Honourable Serge Joyal OCTOBER 19TH 1983 PAGE 11 ary’s Place (beside the courthouse) EATAT GARY'S “Try our sandwiches , you'll be back...great food, great prices.” Pee e eee eseeseseeesesesesseeeeeeseseseEeesE : 10% offfor D-C: students & : staff on all sandwiches. ae Special: pee 65¢ . eee ee serereroseseesewreseseesesesereseseeses 63! Camarvon St. 521-5713 t changes to the Canada Student nt, are NOW in effect. ri m your provincial student aid authority The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student newspaper published several times a semester under the auspices of The Other Publications Society Phone 525-3542 Mail stuff to Box 2503 700 Royal Ave. Douglas College V3L 5B2 Advertising rates on request. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press. Anyone may join or contribute to the Other Press as long as your a student and not a jerk