THE INSIDE ZONE by Carillon Lee is one Douglas College department that has taken its new name both figuratively and literally. The Department of Child, Family and Community Studies will be experiencing a population explosion of enormous dimen- sions. In fact, if all goes well, it could generate five students for the fall semester of 2008 at Douglas College. Contributing to this input are Alan Chin (expecting in August), Janice Spenser (expecting in August), Geri Patterson (expecting in September), Gert van Niekerk (expecting in September), and Dan McDonald (expecting in October). Whoosh! What is in the water down in that department? In the wedding department, Doug Estergaard, also of the above named department, just recently tied the knot. Congratulations to everyone! Voluntarily retired history in- structor George Porges dropped by the other day and says for the first time in five years, he is “fit as a fiddle.” George, if you recall, fought mandatory retirement at Douglas College and won in the highest court of the land. Unfor- tunately, he eventually retired due to poor health. Now that he has recovered, his next mountain to climb will be to get a museum built in Coquitlam. INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / July 23, 1991 Returning after an extended leave is Community Programs and Services’ Barb Offen. She has spent her time in various union activities. These include a stint as a BCGEU fieldworker and two months at the labour college in Ottawa. Barb returns to work August 6th. HOLIDAYS, WONDERFUL HOLIDAYS! Long time employee Gena Balantyne (now retired, but still working as an auxiliary) just returned from a fabulous seven week whirlwind European adventure. Psychiatric Nursing instructor John Crawford just left for Southern Europe, while two other Psych Nursing instructors, Carol Niven and Norma Val- lentgoed, are sailing their way from San Francisco to Alaska ona Princess Line cruise. Suddenly I need a vacation!! When I was younger we used to call them eviction parties. While Ross Stewart wasn’t being evicted, he was moving across town, and decided to have a goodbye party for some of his friends and neigh- bours. It must have been one heck of a party for the 90 or more guests who were overheard saying “PUMP UP THE VOLUME!” Ross, you are usually soo quiet and small “c” conservative. WELL DESERVED AND EARNED! Long time and well respected instructors Julie Roper, Dave Bur- gess and Cathleen (the condom grannie) Smith have all had their educational leave requests ap- proved, starting in September. Julie and Dave are on a full time one year leave and Cathleen will be on a half time leave for two years. I expect we will be hearing more from them in the future. Dean Gerry Della Mattia who has never worn any political affiliation on his sleeve has an up and coming political star in the family. Gerry’s daughter, Maria, was recently elected to the New Democrat Federal Council. Acting- president Al Atkinson says he likes this column and that “you have to learn to laugh at yourself.” Easy enough for him to say, now that he is the acting- president; he’s the only one who can afford to laugh at Al Atkinson. Just kiddin’, boss. And finally, Public Information Officer, Bill Bell (our boss) has al- ways emphasized the importance of colleges with his personal story of dropping out of university and then going back, and succeeding at a local community college. “If it weren't for colleges, I wouldn't be here” he often says. We in PIO totally agree and add “If it weren't for Douglas College, he probably wouldn’t have a job either.” Just kiddin’ boss.