Sh i de a ei hk — BEE EO He es YX mA 7? Ww Oo SU RD = + HE ah Sy 2G + IN Ae WF iD te oe Ala 2 FRE WS 535 wy JD WS ‘Pe Re BPs = ~ Ba. : Fi le SAS BR REC OAKS YAR zu at ey SFE EMM-. eer Ss uo BO I~ ZVeE7RKBROMR LS Wr ky BS A F ly 2aos WU SORT ARN OR BR Sy WiARMXDAe Meee Ts BIT hw A. wee oD WMO OUVUEBSEK UTDAD BK DS HBR VIABS BtvRA TR Mo oe 4 LHR 2603 BEY BS AS EM KS. DES POO e FED HA Ya. | | MOMOYAMA GAKUIN UNIVERSITY CONCLUDES AN ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE AGREEMENT WITH DOUGLAS COLLEGE OF CANADA. On (October) 28th, Momoyama Gakuin University (Nishino, Sakai City) concluded an academic and educational exchange agreement with Douglas College, a provincial college of British Columbia, Canada. At the ceremony at Momoyama, President William L. Day of Douglas College and President Okiura officially signed the agreement. Based on this agreement, the two institutions will start student, faculty and staff exchange programs and arrange cooperative effort in academic and research activities. Momoyama Gakuin University has similar agreements with California State University (Sacramento) and Keimyung University of Korea. October 29, 1986, Asahi Shinbun Newspaper. (Osaka Edition)