MAD HATTER PAGE 8 ESTIMATED FUNDING BASE FOR 1982/83 During the past year a good deal of time and effort has been spent developing the 1981/82 Expenditure Plan, 1982/83 Budget Request and the effect of various funding levels as prescribed by the Ministry of Education. You will no doubt recall that the latter was a hot topic and resulted in many expressions of concern and consternation through- out the Provincial colleges and the media. While the financial information has been discussed at length by the Management Committee and associations’ representatives, we believe that a summation of the 1981/82 Expenditure Plan plus the impact of annualizations and contractual commitments will be of interest to all College personnel. This summation (1981/82 dollars) in effect becomes the financial base for the development of the 1982/83 Expenditure Plan. 1981/82 Expenditure Plan: (Gross Budget unless otherwise noted) 1 Regular Instruction $6,708,947 4 Ancillary Services (net) 0 5 Community Services (net) 259 ,888 7 General Instructional Support 1,099 ,859 8 Student Support 771,960 9 Administration Support 1,070,836 10 Facilities Support 715,481 Total 1981/82 Expenditure Plan $10,626,971 Additional Funding Required to Maintain 1981/82 Level of Service - Annualization of faculty and staff appointed during 1981/82 (including benefits) 352,590 - Salary Increments in 1982/83 204 ,488 - Staff salary adjustment per union contract 117,162 - Program annualizations: Dental Hygiene Program 215,620 Mental Retardation 69,151 Total Annualization & Contractual Commitments 959,011 11,585 ,982