ee Secret Cache of Inappropriate “Family Circus’ Cartoons Discovered By “Salty” Liam Britten NEW YORK, NY—King Features Syndicated, the company responsible for publishing such daily comics as Blondie and Hi and Lois, has recently announced that they will cease publishing Bil examined by the NYPD to see if charges will be laid against author Bil Keane. However, the police have revealed a few details about their content. “The comics are disturbing, and Keane's Family that’s putting it on Te. Menger PS ad potently COMUCS reflect Bil sponers. “Many of were dheorered — @QME'S RGPG- wi Keane's tortie The strips were line Catholic x Catholic viewpoints found buried in a subjects such box in the King’s ° ° ” as masturbation, archive, and are viewpoints. premarital sex; believed to have homosexuality, and been drawn sometime in the late 1970s. The strips were never published, and it is unknown why then-editor Bill Yates did not have the comics destroyed. “Yates was a huge fan of the Family Circus, so they may have been kept for posterity’s sake,” said current editor Brendan Burford. “Either that, or he was holding on to them as evidence for a criminal investigation.” The cartoons have not been shown to the press, as they are currently being abortion. Thereareseveral panels showing graphic discipline of child character ‘Billy,’ as well as story arcs about a new neighbour family called ‘Mr. and Mrs. Hooknose,’ as well as a series on why it is a sin to report a priest to the police.” As well, there is evidently strip that portrays the spirit of the family’s dead grandfather using his ghostly abilities to gain illicit access to a woman’s washroom, and a “follow-the-dotted- line” panel instructing children on how TOP FIVE LEAST POPULAR COURSES OFFERED AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE Douglas College students take a wide variety of courses. But what courses offered by the college are suffering from under-enrollment? See Biology 1123: Gross-Ass Shit. Ae ree Communications 1245: Discourses on Feeling or Whatever. Si ckeee Modern Languages 1115: Beginner’s Studies in German Profanity. 2s ee ae English 1297: Advanced Studies in The Accents the Bad Guys from Star Wars Have. Dace Political Science 1277: The Politics of Dancing. TOP FIVE ADDITIONAL ALLEGATIONS BROUGHT FORWARD BY KARLHEINZ SCHREIBER AGAINST BRIAN MULRONEY Former PM Brian Mulroney is currently facing charges that he accepted $300,000 from German businessman Karlheinz Schreiber for lobbying work on his behalf. What other allegations are surfacing about Mulroney’s past? Ss Forgot Karlheinz’s birthday party :( B eaenss Sucked Ronald Reagan’s dick more than the 11 times he’s admitted to. SiGe Bedwetter. Bee Once drunk-texted George Bush Sr. about what kind of underwear he was wearing. Licence Spent entire $2.1 million payout from the government received in 1997 on all-night Ketamine-fueled rave on Robson street. to find adulterers. Detective Brown said these strips may result in charges being pressed. However, while these new strips may shock, horrify, and disappoint long- time fans of the strip, Detective Brown has said that one thing will always be true of Family Circus: “These strips all suck bad,” he said. “They're terrible. Bill Keane may have lost his way morally, but he always stayed true to his vision of crafting a cartoon that was never funny even in the slightest.” BROOKLYN PUB WATERFRONT LOUNGE ZEO « “If this'll Keep me from getting cancer, ‘why didn’t we use it on Grandpa?” olumbia St. 604.517.2966 IS STUDENT NIGHT! THURSDAY ‘\ eee: Re TWISTER