Letters RE: Article in the May issue “Magazine for was surprised to see the recent issue of the Other Young Masturbaters” Press feature titled “The magazine for Young found this article to be extremely offensive. I Masturbators,” especially since you say you do not [= ino idee sity Hite se wrapanir would Be print material that is “racist, sexist or homophobic.” interested in writing such a tasteless—useless I have had conversations with a number of stu- article. Who wants to read this kind of stuff? I dents and college employees during the last few days, who clearly find the issue offensive. I have also per- sonally handled a number of external calls from indi- slander that women put up with on a daily basis viduals living in our community who have told me the and this paper is contributing to it.I found it oie seh to them. d interesting that I could not locate a name ee ae re ee autonomous student news- attached to these word : would ‘ek one paper: d this i a : can assure you no one I go to school with does. This is a continued expression of the kind of rarely surprises me; shdwever, this ‘article a reached an all time low. I am ashamed that I (as a “plating a any y future i issues of the Other Press. Obviously student) am forced to contribute to this garbage. for many this issue crossed over the boundaries in Yours truly comfort, taste and content. Stacey O’Halloran Thank you. Susan Witter about that § P 0 Q F... Douglas College President | The Other Press is a student run newspaper. All our writers, editors, coordinators and employees are students of Douglas College. Being a bunch of students, we print a lot of things you won't see in a big daily paper (or mainstream magazine) and some of that skirts the lines of good taste. And sometimes we step over those lines. But we are by stu- dents, for students and autonomous, which means that we print the paper and pay our employees from a student levy and by selling advertising. Essentially, all students help pay for the paper and your opinions, ideas, letters and such are welcome, especially if you feel we've crossed some personal lines. If you don’t tell us you disapprove, we can’t make _ changes. Of course, praise for doing such a wonderful job is also warmly welcomed. The ideas and opinions that we publish in our paper are just that—ours, They in no way reflect the attitudes or opinions of any employee, administrator, faculty member, or staff member of Douglas College or the DCSS. We try not to print anything sexist, racist or homophobic, but again, we sometimes stray over the line. If we do, it is never, EVER meant to be a malicious attack on any individual or group. page 4 the Other Press June 1999