Quote of the Week: “A lot of the difficulties are that Other Douglas College's Au press there are areas like single parents, ethnic minorities, cultural groups, etc. etc., who can’t afford to attend university.’” B.C. youth Minister Terry Segarty, explaining why students ‘‘are not dent Newspaper ~ Another Fiditorial... Ho Hum You're not going to read this. You're a student. You’re young and intelligent and interested in learning, or else you wouldn’t be here. But odds are, you’re not going to read this, because you, like the majority of your fellow students and fellow Canadians, are bored with ’‘issues’’ Odds are,. you are tired of hearing about ‘starvation in Africa. Odds are about a thousand to one against you having participated in the Famine Relief Week just held here at Douglas, because the average turnout was around five people. This is not entirely your fault - you were probably also only marginally aware of what famine relief week was all about. But even if you had been well informed, even if the events had been well run, you probably still wouldn’t have come. Why not? | don’t know. And | don’t care. That’s what apathy is all about, isn’t it? And | suppose it’s a waste of time trying to get you to change. | suppose it would be a waste of time telling you about National Universities Week. | don’t know much about it - something about National Educational Opportunities, or something. Nobody did much to inform us about it, so we won’t bother passing on the lack of information to you, the students. You needn’t worry about missing out on-this non-event, either, since as far as we know, nothing is planned. No problem. Last week, a couple of people were complaining to me about this paper. ‘All you write about is South Africa,’’ they said. ‘‘Why don’t you write about stuff we’re interested in?’’ Well, people - this is your newspaper! So far this term, we’ve only had a handful of new recruits. You don’t have to get massively involved - but if there’s something on campus, or just here in town, that interests you, and you think would interest other students, why not write about it? Doesn’t have to be a brilliant literary masterpeice, doesn’t even have to be grammatically correct - we'll help you fix it up. This paper is what you want to make of it. If you’re too shy or haven’t got the time for a whole article, just write a letter - two paragraphs should take you maybe five minutes. It may not be much, but it will be a beginning. Think of it as ‘a ten sentence strike against apathy. Or don’t. It’s up to you. The Other Press Douglas College’s Autonomous Student Newspaper Business Manager ster cet racer ees ole oo dashes coat Jean Joyce Productian: Coordinators’ © twarvtrr Gest os eee John McDonald Jeremy Bloom Copy Editor Se cod dl wee aS Le We et LE ec... Jeremy Bloom Entertainment: Goondinatoryc,