Social Planning and Research Council of BC 4 August 11, 1986 Q COMMUNITY INITIATIVES PUBLICATIONS [SPARC OF BC] INFORMATION NOTE PURPOSE The purpose of CI Publications [SPARC of BC] is to stimulate and assist the production and distribution of community-focused materials of a public information and education nature, particularly in the community economic development field. MAJOR PRIORITIES 1. Priority to projects which have intentional a educational or learning objectives, ie; designed te bring about a change in skill, knowledge or attitude. 2. Priority to projects which provide information and analysis about socio-economic matters to community economic development practitioners when such information is not likely to be provided by any other source. While these two priorities are seen as complementary, special consideration will be given to "1" because of the unique Oo contribution it can make to the field. The CIP program will operate on this basis as an experiment during this first year, after which it will be reviewed, GUIDELINES FOR SELECTING PROJECTS A project proposal will be considered against the following guidelines: - 1. province-wide applicability - 2. of benefit to individuals and groups that are currently not able to participate as full citizens or members of the community or of society (unemployed people, the disabled, women, native people, cultural minorities) —- 3. meets a recognized learning/educational/information need - 4. reflects a "cooperative learning" approach with emphases on mutual support and collaboration in planning and action