Reductions in Douglas College Educational Services and Offerings During the Current Year (Continued) "y = yg = A. Impact of 1982/83 Operating Budget Shortfal] The following information summarizes reductions in formal (credit) offerings, community programs, and student services, during this academic year from the previous year. Total Total 1981/82. 1982/83 # of sections/ sections/ sections % classes classes reduced reduction 1. Academic Division 423 Bye 48 * 129; (includes suspension of Criminal Justice Certificate Program) 2. Business 164 144 20 * 12% (includes suspension of Fire Science Program and Property and Building Management Program) 3. Performing Arts 47 45 2 * 4%, 4, Social Services 152 133 19 * 12% (Includes a 35% reduction in classes offered (14) in the part-time programs. This includes the suspension of the Alcohol and Drug Program and the Child Care Worker part-time course offerings.) 4 sections have been reinstated in the Early Childhood Education part-time program, as of January 1, 1983. 5. Nursing - All 32 placements in the Ist year of Psychiatric Nursing Program were converted to an additional 32 seats in the General Nursing Program. 16 seats in 2nd year of Psychiatric Nursing Program were suspended (represents a 9% reduction in capacity for R.N./Psych Nursing Program). 6. Community Programs - As it was impossible to accommodate to the reductions in Community Programs funding immediately, temporary funding from increased student fees and transfer of Operating Capital funds has been arranged, in order to make possible an orderly restructuring of this division. 7. Educational and - 18% overall reduction in counselling Student Services services, library services, assistance to instructors, admissions and registration services. 40% reduction in library and learning resources book and supply purchases. * See Appendix