volvement. - Please print this letter in the Mad Hatter. ears ‘Stneerely, é | Piquette Ganseliig Psychologist — ses STEVE SHARE S, Administrators, Wem ae n prow lev mention individ wt , sa 2 es been associated in ae way ce another. ith Douglas College, but with reduced in-— My activities - thanks to those who prompt- ed me - took me to every campus and even to other colleges and would-be colleges in B.C. In my recollection are the joys of fellouw- ship at retreats, professtonal development days, wine and cheese parttes, orientations, faculty/staff meetings, department/disetpline meetings, campus counctls, negottation seminars, workshops, confrontations and committees. Although there has been frustrations, Douglas has been more stimulating than stifling and I hope that I will continue some assoctattion tn the future, albeit less intense. With the great changes facing the college commun- tty tn the next few years, tt's certainly in keeping with the past ten years. My wish ts that all of you who continue at Douglas will do so in the best traditions and the highest purposes in which the College was begun. I have much to thank Douglas College for - most of all those with whom I've worked, taught and counselled. Thank you. STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING The Steering Committee on the Division of Douglas College met on Thursday, May Ist. The members agreed to the terms of reference and that the committee is an advisory body to the Minister of Edueatton. Its role ts to advise ways and means of creating a new college with minimum disruptton. The channel for input and communtcatton for college employees will be through their representative on the Steering Committee. Reg Prtdham MOVING Please note that as of May 8, 1980, Dave _ Ayers, Director, Counselling and Bent Services and his secretary, Marian Exmann will be relocating from Riverview to the Winslow campus. VACATION REQUEST FORMS Vaeatton pay cheque request forms are now avatlable at all campus switchboards. (Excluding Faculty)