Mad Hatter Page 7 PLEASE RETAIN THIS MATERIAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. SECTION Il: LEGAL AND POLICY MANUATES UF DUUGLAS CULLEGE The essential nature and purpose of Douglas Colleye are defined under provincial statue, and the two statements of policy which progressively interpret that statue. The Colleye and Institutes Act (1979, Part 3, Section 7) states: Qbjects of colleye 7. The obyects of a college are to provide comprehensive (a) courses of study equivalent to those given by a university at the first and second year post secondary level; (b) post secondary education or training; and (c) continuing education. The Minister of Education approved the followiny Mission Statement for the College and Institute System in May, 1983: The Mission of the College and Institute System of the province of British Columbia is to provide educational Opportunities to assist adults to meet continuing and changing individual, economic, and societal needs. These Opportunities will be provided recogniziny the aspirations of individuals, the present and future requirements of provincial and Canadian society for economic development, priorities of government, and the structure of the educational system of the province as defined through legislation. The Douglas Colleye Board has approved the fotlowiny Summary Statement of College Philosophy: A. The Colleye's purpose is to offer opportunities for organized learning, B. The Colleye provides learning opportunities in order to: i. assist students to develop a social awareness and conscience; ii. allow students to better themselves and their — communities through increased knowledge and skills; iii. assist students to become employable or to enhance their social or economic opportunities and status; iv. enable students to fully express their creative potential in aesthetic as well as applied pursuits. b ak