Canadian International Agence canadienne de Development Agency Geveloppement international CIDA AWARDS PROGRAMS FOR CANADIANS OBJECTIVE To develop a body of Canadians competent and expert in the field of international development. ELIGIBILITY These awards are available to Canadian citizens who: a) have completed an undergraduate program of studies (degree or diploma): and b) have indicated, through their own education and experience, a definite commitment to and suitability for a career in international develop- ment work. Applications from candidates wishing to use this award to pursue a PHD program are not eligible. SELECTION OF THE AWARDS Applications are reviewed by a selection committee made up of representatives of CIDA and other organizations and agencies involved in international development. Approximately 18 awards are available for the year 1987-88, PREFERENCE Preference will be given to applicants who: a) have clearly demonstrated through their own ~ related work experience and/or academic background that they are both suited for and committed to pursuing a career in international development; b) have demonstrated, to the extent possible, that there is a significant demand in the international development field for the type of knowledge and expertise which they seek to obtain as a result of their proposed program; c) have indicated that a significant component of their proposed program involves fieldwork in a developing country. The candidate's work experience may have been gain- ed through public or private, international or domestic development programs. TERM AND TENURE Awards must start in the calendar year in which they have been granted and will normally be tenable for a period not lo exceed two (2) years. The candidate must specify in the application whether the proposed program is for a 1- or 2-year period. Continuation from a first to a second year will be subject to a review of the award holder's progress and perfor- mance. If an academic portion is included, it should be tenable in Canada and/or a developing country. An academic program in any other country may be ap- proved if it is not available in Canada; this fact must be documented by the applicant. VALUE The value of each award is up to $15,000 per annum. The award is payable to the recipient on a non- accountable basis and is intended to cover expenses related to the program. Sixty per cent of the annual value of the award is paid at the beginning of the pro gram. Monies disbursed by CIDA to the recipient of an award are subject to Canadian tax laws, and in- come tax will be deducted at source. (Award recipients may be subject to the tax laws of the country in which the study or research is undertaken) THE PROGRAM PROPOSAL Note: Because of the nature of the CIDA award, par- ticular emphasis is placed on the information provided by the applicant under this heading. The proposal made by the applicant is the ma- jor factor in the selection of aware winners. Each applicant must develop a program of one of the three following types, to cover a one-year period, or a two-year period (when applicable): (1) A professional on-the-job training program involv. ing extensive project-related fieldwork in one or more developing countries. (2) A practical work/study assignment in a public or private (including non-government) organization or agency involved in international development work, with a substantial period of fieldwork in one or more developing countries. (3) A development-oriented academic program com- bined with a substantial period of practical fieldwork in one or more developing countries. Note: “Extensive” and “substantial” are usually defin- ed us a minimum of three months per year. The program proposed by the candidate must have a clearly practical orientation and cannot be used for purely academic studies. The program must be describ ed as clearly, as completely and as concisely as possi- ble and it must include a chrenological summary of planned activities. Candidates are required to relate their academic and professional work experience to both their program proposal and the objective of the CIDA awards program as stated above. It is also recommended that the candidate seek and ob- tain written approval on the part of the hast country