-3-+ J. B. Develop Institutional ‘Planning Assumption: i. Translate information gathered in (a) to (g) into statements with educational meaning. IV.. Goals, Objectives and Strategies (Mandatory): ile Definition: (a) (b) (c) Goals set out the desired state or ends towards which the post-secondary system is working; Objectives are more specific and time-oriented than goals; Strategies are action statements to be determined by each institution: - strategies are expected to form the basis for budgetary, program, and capital submissions. Colleges are expected to: (a) (b) (c) (d) Ce) (£) (g) State one or more goals in each of the mandatory goal areas; Briefly and clearly state objectives as to how the College proposes to move towards each of the goals between 1983 and 1988; Ensure the goals and objectives are linked to one or more of the specified assumptions; Present a summative Strategy for each objective; Ensure that the objectives and Strategies meet the following criteria and are specific enough to provide a basis for accountability: (i.) measures to be taken to improve productivity and provide the same or increased level of service with constant dollars. (No guarantee that all institutions will necessarily receive constant dollar level of funding); Describe substitutions and changes which will be made to replace and update programs; Indicate what measures could be taken to reduce physical plan costs if they do not project greater productivity or increased revenues in their Base Objectives. teewe 4