{ $$Mad Hatter | A Douglas College Newslette DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES January 16, I | CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION i Ask any student and you will hear In total, Gilgan expects over 100 | that job prospects in Canada are students to gain work experience very poor. Statistics can reveal through the program in its first | the situation, but little work has year, and an equal number should | yet been done on finding new work find either part time or permanent situations for young people. work. At Douglas College, young people "We're looking for students who are will soon be finding jobs through /Jentering one of the growing career a new Co-operative Education program|fields," Gilgan says. "This means The plan is simple. Give students mostly small Bee ee eee ne en | _the basic skills they need for fin- RP Our Ve Cotem ea. Cee |ding work, set up an interview with |These programs are varied and have /an employer, and then upgrade the highly intensive study requirements | skills needed to continue working. in areas such as accounting, banking, | real estate, public relations, adver- | tising, market research, communica- | tions, merchandising, manufacturing | and medicine. | Co-operative Education begins at Douglas College this spring and the emphasis of the program will be pla- cing students in the workforce. | The student placement officers at | Douglas College will be responsible | for career planning for the students and will arrange interviews, negotiate salaries, benefits and work conditions, and assist the employers in applying for wage subsidies. Gordon Gilgan, Dean of Academic Programs, has high praise for the new Co-operative Education proposal. As the coordinator of the project he can best describe how Co-operative Education will work. Students begin in one of 16 college diploma or certificate programs and study for at least one semester be- And the reaction from the students is obvious. fore entering the workplace. The "I think it's a great idea," says college is adding three new positions} Jesse Sedhu, president of the Douglas in its Student Placement office to College Student Society. "As a stu- help find work for the students in dent and former small business Co- operative Education, Gilgan ‘Says. joperator, I realize how this type of |