Mad Hatter Page 9 Adult Basic Educarion Reviaw Committee cM steerer sy The following recommendations have been prepared by the Review Committee of Gerry DellaMattia and Jim Doerr. If you wish to make any written comments , please send them to Jim Doerr before June 15, 1981. Your comments and the reconmmencations will be presented to Bill Day on that date via the Management Lommittee. REPORT ON THE DIVISIONAL ASSIGNMENT OF THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE _ ADULT BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM ARCHIVES Introduction and Process a, Gerry DellaMattia and Jim Doerr were assigned by the President to prepare recommendations on the placement of Adult Basic Education Programs in the new Douglas College structure. As a committee they met to establish pro- cedures for gathering suggestions from interested members of the college community. It was decided cto hold both a public session and a private session to ensure that any parties concerned about presentations in public would have the opportunity of making their opinion known cto the committee in private. While it was originally intended to have Mr. Snel Harvey, of che Ministry of Education, as a member of this committee, it was subsequently felre thar his participacion on the commitcree might compromise him as a resource per- son in subsequent dealings with the college. However, the committee Felt that Mr. Harvey could Provide valuable assistance and, therefore, he actad as a resource person for the committee before its first puolic meeting and participated again during that public session. The committee appreciated the assistance chat he provided. Short Summary of Briefs Presenred j While the full text af written briefs presented to the committee are avail- able from the chairman, this summary is presented to provide a context for the balance of this report without the necessity of reading all briefs in advance. The Adult Basic Education faculty provided the committee with a detailed description of cheir teaching activities. They emphasized that they did moc see their role as simulating a job situatiom as wasdone in the old BTSD programs and, therefore, did noc feel that the Applied Programs Division with its emphasis on training for employmenc (and in many cases simulating the employment anvironment) was an appropriata placement of this program. Several presentations highlighted che parallel between Adult Basic Education Program activicies and those of the Community Programs and Services Division. Several arguments were puc forward for the placement of chis program in that division. A proposal for an elected chair was also presented along with a full job description and an outline of procedures for handling conflicc and complaints. Assumptions Undceriving Recommendations The committee has assumed that Douglas College, as an organization, and the faculty and administration as individuals within thac organization, are devoted to the concepe of adult learning. Therefore, it would aot be neces- sary for the committee to consider the orotection of Adult Basic Education as a factor in recommending assignment -o a particular division.