UPCOMING EVENTS FACULTY ORIENTATION WORKSHOP agen? 23 - en. (Winslow) "AH, WILDERNES presented - he Theatre Dept. Aprit 16, fs 38, 19 ¢ ‘30. Cowan | Theatre, Burnaby 291-6864 521-4851 . token Trfoseapson. MARILYN SMITH TO MEET WITH FACULTY AND STAFF 1a Pai ae & Coquitlam April 18 - ow: peat, "For times please see memo on page 2. COLLEGE-WIDE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOP- MENT DAYS May 13 & 14 SEASONS WEST - 1980 Fashion Show Thurs., May 8, 1980 Hyatt Regency Hotel 655 Burrard Street Tickets avatlable at Surrey 588-4411 or Richmond Campus, Campus, A phone (1-613-232-1028) Fee: 273-5461. ON THE OUTSIDE 1980 FRENCH SUMMER SCHOOL Satnt Pterre et Miquelon July 14-Aug. 22 Further tnformatton avatlable from: @tx week sesston: School of Continuing Studtes Untversity of Toronto 158 St. George Street Toronto M5S 2V8 (416) 978-2400 WORKSHOP "A Personal Calculator HP 41¢" by Hewlett Packard (Canada) Utd. 1980 0900-1600 hours Acadta Untverstty DATE: May 27, LOCATION: COURSE CONTENT: Presentatton of the calculator and tts functton Charactertstics Memory modules Card reader Customizing the Calculator Appltcattons of the method involved in the use of this personal caleul- ator HO Engineers, Beane. hers. personnel tn management (Eos tNG DATE OF APPLICATION: Apr. 30 Return your appltcation for the workshop to Canadtan Vocational iperatton, surte (608) 251 Bank St. Ottawa, Ont. K2P 1X3 BIS (for further information call Ltz Glass, loc. 288, Surrey Campus) The Mad Hatter ts a D.C. Newsletter. Deadline for submtsston ts Thurs. noon. Enqutrtes, please call Liz Glass, loc. 283, Surrey Campus.