Campus will house the Kwantlen collection. All bookings and enquiri J = il pre sroduce new and separate library microcatalogues foe De and KC. These micro- catalogues will appear’ in September. They will reflect our attempts to equitably covets hive library collection thr re rough reallocations of naterials and sone purchases to fill in obvious gepe in holdings, ; ; : 1 \ I) eer oe ph ite ‘sey this service will still be available ae due to cost and time factors, users will be ‘encouraged to borrow in-person rather than rely on ee Library loan between De and Ke. The speed with ee ota requests are completed will depend greatly on the ‘courier ser established between’ athe two institutions. In emergency “situations: tele phone requests between pe and KC will be accommodated as before, as. ‘long. as, the requestor Taupbebenenl to pick up the material in person. DC inter= - ‘de! pecaned: must be ace ‘The resulting separate files will be used to. library loan with other institutions will not be offered during May and June, but this service will resume in July. ‘The DC Film Collection will be divided equally between DC and KC. ‘The DC collecti tion will remain at the New Westminster Campus and the Surrey ee will be handled as before by the Audiovisual assistant on each campus by * film catalogues Listing the holdings at each College Library will be "available in September. “= Both febtisgen etal. be members | of ee Media Exchange Cooperative. Rew: