= BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES 4. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 38 (RICHMOND) 689 NO.3 ROAD, RICHMOND, B.C. TELEPHONE 278-9591 28-10-73 - 10 November, 1973 AT THE BOARD IN NOVeMBaR | DOUCLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY R.T.A. Convention - The Board approved a recommendation for the Richmond Teachers' Convention to be held on Friday, February 22, 1974 at the Richmoné Inn. Theme of the convention will be 'HZducational Alternatives’. Young Voyageur Program for 1974 - Mr. P. J. Kitley, Provincial Coordinator of the in oli ogee Young Voyageur Program, Department of Education, invited Richmond to become one of the two districts to participate in the second year of the program for physically handicapped students. Twenty-four young people, twelve of whom would be selected from physically handicapped applicants in Richmond and the Fraser Valley, together with twelve students from Richmond, would carry out a reciprocal exchanse with Winnipeg. Secondary Administrators In-Service Program - The Board was informed of the two visit-. Vi Eee Ol Se ations to the Seattle area by the secondary administrators. The first group, the vice-principals, visited a number of schools in the Seattle Public School System and heard a number of informative addresses. The specific purpose was to observe at first hand some of the alternative and regular programs in the secondary system and to visit two distinctly alternate schools. The second group, the secondary principals, visited Shoreline School District, a suburban area comparable to Richmond. Municipal Election Results - Three trustees were elected to the Board on November 17, Coe Sa Ree SEY er. aes Mr. V.L. Hillman, Mr. P. Fast end Mrs. B. Speers. In addition, 63.98% of the owner electors voted in favour of Referendur: 15, which was declared approved. Open Meeting - At the request of the Minister of Education, an 'Open Meeting' will be held on We@nesday, December 5th, in J.N. Burnett Junior Secondary School, wherein students, parents and teachers will be able to express their views on many aspects of the present secondary educational service and the need for change and development. Commissioner of Education, John Bremer, will spezk at the beginning of the meeting, after which the trustees will chair sectional meetings to obtain and record the views of the participants. New Teachers’ Workshops - The Board was informed that Orientation Workshops were held for the new elementary teachers, The District Superintend- ent advised that there may well be a different format next year by combining the Orientation Workshop with the New Teachers' Tea. Next Meeting - Next Regular Meeting of the Board will be held Monday, December 3. News and Views From Your Board is published monthly by the Board as a community servico. Extra copies are available by telephoning 278-9521, Local 50. G. A. Coulscn, and Public Relations. Lnewr and views oon Sour 008 OL