Chloé Bach Chloé Bach arts & entertainment editor elebrity Rant I have a message for Jennifer Aniston: shut the hell up and stop whining. It’s been almost four years since you and Brad Pitt separated and I am beyond tired of hearing you complain about Angelina Jolie. In a recent New York Times interview, Jolie opened up about one day showing her children the Mr. & Mrs. Smith movie, stating that “not a lot of people get to see a movie where their parents fell in love.” And surprise, surprise, almost immediately Aniston is complaining to Vogue in their latest issue, labeling Angelina’s comments as “very uncool.” Jolie supposedly talked about events from a time when poor Jen was oblivious to what was going on, and so Jen wants to publicly stamp her feet about it. First of all... “uncool?” That’s the best she could come up with at almost 40 years of age? I find it hard to take such a juvenile insult seriously. Secondly, she’s dating John Mayer; I’m sure he loves hearing her bitch and moan about her past flame to the press. It must really solidify his faith in her being over Brad. Third, (sorry in advance to all you Aniston lovers) have you all seen Angelina? She’s way sexier than Jen. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: Angie is hot enough to make me switch teams... so can you really blame Brad? Overall, what’s “uncool” is Aniston blabbing about a life that is not hers. Just let Brangelina be. They have babies and mansions together and frankly, Jen’s whole “woe is me” act is lame and pitiful. Time to move on and get over it, Jen. Team Angelina! What the hell is Leeroy Jenkins Anyway? 5, «si: A to speak at comic and video game conventions. There was even a Jeopardy question that was Kris zeroth, land of the uber-dork, is the answered by “Who is Leeroy Jenkins?” In the last Warcraft update, players can now earn an " setting for popular massive multi-player achievement, whereby they kill 50 whelps in 15 seconds and get the tag “Jenkins” added to Watrich online role-playing game, World of their characters name. There are now literally hundreds of thousands of people/characters “what the hell?” Warcraft. It is where I try and spend at least running around in Azeroth with the tag Jenkins on their toon. two to twenty hours of my weekend with This is not a joke my friends. This is proof that by doing something totally stupid you my fellow nerds. Groups of friends are can become famous. So boot up YouTube, type in “Leeroy Jenkins” and be the 100 millionth called guilds, new players are called noobs _ person to view a man being a total idiot. and if you destroy a dungeon, you totally pawned it. OMG. GG. KK. GJ. GTG. WTF. FTW. One such king of nerds was made famous by a YouTube video displaying one of his greatest follies and triumphs. The character named Leeroy Jenkins was deep raiding within dungeon Lower Black Rock Spire with a tight group of guild members. Leeroy was unfortunately AFK (away from keyboard) at the moment when the strategy was being discussed for a particularly difficult part of the dungeon that is usually skipped by the majority of parties raiding in the area. Their chances of survival were only 16.6%... of course repeating. Leeroy jumped into action the second he returned to the keyboard shouting members know through Ventrilo that it was time to pawn the red dragon whelps in the rookery. However, Leeroy had fatally jumped the gun, causing panic among the raid party. Even though the nerds valiantly assembled, buffed their characters and popped all of their most powerful talents, the day was not to be won. One after the other the heroes fell as the whelps swarmed and overwhelmed the party. Ten highly skilled Alliance warriors, priests, paladins, rogues and mages all felled by one warrior’s impatience and Jaissez-faire attitude towards raiding one of the most prestigious of role-playing pursuits. No honour was gained. There was no experience, no badges of justice, nor any epic loot. Leeroy, however, has become somewhat of an underground hero. He represents one who tries to tackle impossible odds and is rewarded for it. Leeroy is pretty much a fortune cookie. He has been immortalized in the Warcraft card game. If you draw the Leeroy Jenkins card, all party members’ attack power is increased for one round and their health decreased by 50%. The RL (real life) Leeroy Jenkins has become infamous himself, earning top dollar 20