bsolute tolerance is altogeth- er impossible; the allegedly absolute tolerance turns into ferocious hatred of those who have stated clearly and most forcefully that there are unchangeable standards founded in the nature of man and the nature of things.” CC —Leo Stauss As most of you may not know, there is a force in this country that has gone largely unknown and unchallenged. This force comes under many names: liberal, left wing, socialist, hippie, communist, Marxist, etc. But all these words only say one thing to me: misguided. In this col- umn, I am going to take you all behind the scenes to witness the horrendous machi- nation of these sick and perverted people who are too deluded to understand what they are doing. Let us start with the media. It is a com- monly known and accepted fact that every non-privately owned news group is going to advocate only extreme and unrealistic far-left positions. Unfortunately, as we see in the CBC here in Canada, these views March 30/2005 are becoming more and more accepted by Canadians. Every night on The National, which may as well be called The Manifesto, neo-Marxist stooge Peter Mansbridge invades our televisions by telling us stories about how Canadians care about health care, public education, streets, and wel- fare, as well as other isolated and delusional left-wing ideals. That may be how you see Canada, comrade, but not us! We need more upstanding media publica- tions like the National Post, papers willing to express the views of the majority of Canadians who agree that free-market capitalism and traditional Christian values will save our society. People in Canada are against taxation. They realize that every time a dollar is taken from our pockets to help pay the expenses of those itinerant hippies who don’t know how to manage their own lives, that the government is, in fact, steal- ing from us. Let those who can afford to send their children to school do so. Let those who can afford medical care receive it. If you value your life that much then you should work hard to ensure it will be saved. Social programs only benefit the poor, whose existence should not be encouraged. Canadians know that the role of government should be as society’s pro- tector. That police should be hired to arrest poor people and drug addicts and lock them in prison forever where they cannot rob from us and ugly up our streets. They also know that at least 75 percent of government spending should be used on the military, just like our American friends to whom we owe every- thing. The Canadian military is a joke. Ever since socialist-pinko-pacifist Lester B. Pearson was prime minister and tried to gear Canada’s military towards pointless and dangerous peace-keeping missions, Canada’s war machine has been danger- ously small. People expect us to rely on our big brother, the United States, to pro- tect us. Let’s face it readers, the US can only fight five wars at once, and if they ate fighting those wars and Canada. is attacked by terrorists, a rogue state, or heaven forbid the Axis of Evil, we’d be screwed. And we'd deserve to be. All the wealth and prosperity we'll generate by eliminating social programs will be useless if we are getting blown up by people from Takagerkayikistan or wherever; or if those damned commies are raising a hammer and sickle over the CN Tower. Not on my watch, commie! So, how do we solve this problem? Well, the first step is in the schools. While some hard-fought battles have been won to ensure that children are more focused on the glory and honour of business q to Steal Your Job and Eat Your Children Left Overs Will Be Right There Iain Reeve, OP Columnist MAC Ly cee Tt a Dea Te Eee rather than the corruption and waste of government, there is still work to be done. We must reform schools from K-12 to ensure children are taught to be individu- als instead of caring about each other. Start by abolishing sharing. Make them comfortable with power relations by encouraging the strong to force the weak to do work for them. Segment schools into male and female populations to ensure that little girls get proper domestic education. Like I said, there’s lots of work to be done. I know that the world has become a scary place, but together we can get through it. Just remember that capitalism, militarism, and democracy are three parts of the same whole. And we need each of them to get to a world where the smart among us ate rewarded with kingly riches while the lesser among us are punished with a slow and torturous demise. For that is human nature. ACTIVIST /ORGANIZER Work For Social Justice National Community Or- ganization seeks politi- cally committed people to organize for better schools, housing & immigrant rights. wages Call: 1 800 796-6830 or e-mail: | 9