RSHIP: FEBRUARY 23-27 5 commons EuSH Sorntop Stuconts Sines 1968 Carleton Univowsity Stadents' Associating ue. A , 7 Open Letter to Douglas College Students To All Douglas College Students: | am writing on beh . es you to alf of students at : : jlano College encourages Y' to en at Carleton University j ’ Union at Capilano ber- Coneliag to vote yes to renewed Saebeieas ane eee eaten g referendum on renewed memb¢ . benefited Faken sabe re Students at Carleton ave ie Te Canadian Federation of Students. V : i students across Boe er the years from our alliance with made by government’ s each day which ae ae cost of our education. Working with We have had man affect the quality and to undertake lobbying and campaigns is ny successes at the n recent Day of ational level includin t unions ing heard. about oe * va on January 28 which raised seaancce ae oe to ensure that our concerns are being Ne of Students oe Student debt. The Canadian Fed thie only wey : ilano have been , aE Pit “ @ national system of needs based ia In recent years, student a a the Federation we students micah tgs Gate by thousands of ix suffering. Because we 2°® Eran acta to Capilano but chi eatin : wai 5 governments listen "Y. Only by speaking in unison, will realised fat oe ae colleges as well. By working is In additi was happening @ ber campuses we. WeT® Ee j ition to lobbying and cam losely with other member ce" Jblems. The n : paigns, the Federati closely : ware of the pro ae Of services ranging from discounts at Cration provides a the provincial government + ts ona variety of government stores in your community t = at restaurants and - 4. advocates for students Mer 0 providin : Federation adv a pout our education. to gain international w, gan Opportunity for stud . ich make decisions a ork experie ucenis mmittees whic a Abroad Program, Perience through the Student Work co to vote in favour of renewed membership in the Oo ‘ I urge you anche 5 = ite ls a ee renew your membership in the . ; - Canadian Federation of Students 1on of Stu j 2 : idari | dents in the upcoming referendum. : In we n solidari Z, ty, (blo li Celine Cassis Chairperson y Van Dyk Sident UVSs ©- UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA STUDENTS: 5 Students: To All Students at Douglas College , SOciety g on behalf of Malaspina Students’ Union, Local 61 of the On behalf of th ederation of Students. Students at Malaspina University of the 12,000 full and part- Victori time students at the Universi ria, I urge you to vote yes in the upcoming referendum ar. anaimo urge you to vote in favour of membership in the ship i : p in the Canadian Federation of § tudents. ederation of Students. Canadian Federation of Students almost 10 years ago realised that we simply did not have the resources to sions being made by the provincial and federal govern- ir own. Renewing membership in the CFS will ensure that s of Douglas students are being heard. The Canadian Federation of S tud ives j ; from the number and diversi ents derives its strength and influence nner, Douglas student ; : at the provincial and national leve : bas derive strength and influence college eral y working in partnership with e have been successful in bringing issues that affect us as — er students. z the forefront of the government’s agenda. The freeze on for the past two years in BC is just one example of the students working together. ndreds of thousands of students across Canada to say NO ition fees, NO to cutbacks, YES to high quality, accessible d universities and YES to the Canadian Federation of chine ae for more accessible colleges and universities ir a oe government freezing tuition fees over the last two » & Douglas students hundreds of dollars each year. . Turge you to renew your membership. Sincerely, WhrcenLebbarin Theresa Sabourin