Page 4 the Other Press Other Editorials Student says: One Language, One Nation Two things: First, I must commend the October 31;-author of "Quebec French speaking & writing only?” I could not agree more with the fact that one language would take two giant steps in uniting this country, but maybe next time leave God out of it? Second, I have recently spoken to a lady from a majority-french part of New Brunswick. I questioned her asking her if the term if the"French Canadian” was just that, a term? She replied, "No, I’mFrench first and Canadian second,” This to me was the most Outrageous, outlandish, bullheaded view, any person on Canadian soil could have. I thought, how could a person be born and raised, along with their parents, grandparents and soon, entirely in Canada, and yet call themselves Canadians second to being French? I am proud of the fact I was born, raised along with my parents and grandparents, in Canada. I do not call myself an “English Canadian" but I am proud of my own heritage and family history, and proud to be called a CANADIAN. Why then must I be forced to learn a language a group of people, ‘indeed the "spoiled children of confederation", say I must learn? Will I be some sort of freak if I do not speak the secondary tongue or will I just be without a job for the rest of my Canadian days? My questions are too many and too controversial to be listed in a single letter, but I will say this, one country, one nation, one language will stand united and strong, complicate things with a second language and a people who do not think of themselves as being Canadian then we will suffer,both as a nation and a productive state. Robert Gough ov'\\, Monday Nov. 14th, 1988 «aq MR. PRESIDENT; AN UNIDENTIFIED AIRCRAFT HAS VIOLATED OUR— "At aa IT WAS THE RUSKIES WASN’T IT > HOT DAMN.’ LET’S FRY THOSE COMMIE BASTARDS / Fascist Federal Statute Oppresses Our Right To Be Drunk by Spiff Jones Why is our society determined we will vote sober? By federal law it is not legal to sell liquor until 8 pm on election night. Apparently this is so the electorate can make a thoughtful, rational descision in the poll booth. Right. Let’s get down to brass tacks here. Consider our choices in the upcoming federal election. Done? Okay, who wants to vote for any of these bums sober? I personally don’t think any amount of alcohol abuse (which I am more than capable of) will make any of them seem palatable. However, it would give excuse for my actions, i.e. "Well, sure I voted for Turner, but I was pissed out of my brain at the time.” In fact, if I was to drink Look out, it’s enough it is entirely possible, the next day I wouldn’t remember who I voted for at all, which is kind of a nice thought. Here’s another reason to be in favour of election day drinking. As it currently stands, there is no real suspense involved in an election. We all have a pretty good idea of who’s going to win well in advance. Widespread alcohol abuse on the day in question will put the suspense back into politics. Election results will actually be exciting to watch as the ’drunken vote’ begins to elevate obscure candidates into competition with the major parties. The Rhinocerous Party could conceiveably form the next federal government! I could be elected King! Sorry, I got carried away there. Another thing. Isn’t this law an infringement upon my rights? As a 20-year old Canadian citizen, I have the right to be intoxicated whenever I want, as long as I’m not endangering someone else. It’s in the constitution or something. Of course, you could argue that by voting Rhino I am endangering others. But hey, that’s my perogative. In light of the preceding article, I feel it is highly likely the federal government will change this questionable law. However, in case they don’t do so in time for this election, let me take a moment or so to advise readers to procure their liquor supply in advance. And remember, a vote for the Rhino party is a vote to eliminate indecent exposure laws. Dezar Editor: 1988 and 1984 is here By Free Paranoia The advent of the ’80’s: a new game played by those with money, power, and fifty secretaries, that allows Megacorporations to purchase virtually everything on the Earth. The various oil companies are either owned by OPEC or Exxon (the oil conglomerate of America). These in turn, Own very many other companies. For example, Sega is owned by Tonka, which is owned by Hoffman-LaRoche, which is owned by Exxon! Who, I wonder, owns Mcdonalds, and thus owns "over 60 billion" people? How about Canadian Tire? Woodwards? Capitol Records? ° Coke? Coke owns Columbia Pictures! Pepsi? Pepsi was the 2nd soft drink in the U.S.S.R! Where next? Are the boy scouts really a front for the CIA? Or is our PM really in league with the Flat Earthers? The OP slavebeaters of the whims of the Administration? My point? Beware the machines of ignorance; don’t read the papers; don’t watch any news; THEY ARE WATCHING! ] thingk you ar some kind of Commmunist. Where S™ do you get off eT saying sexism, “= racism, oppression and war are bad thismgs? 4