ave oOo . sa 44 Bye ~~ : I ee = A surprise test Good day class. Today we will be doing a quick and easy quiz of 20 questions. NowI'Il pass the lists out and when you finish filling in the answers and slidin Wednesday, October 5,1983.. bese 18 g them under the door in room 2305, you may go. Thank you. x? rite colo” What communities does. or os e a gavou Douglas College serve? ould so ae ur nat sh “© Qa» atis¥° , yy qudent ee” Sa TS wh What is your favourite class here? ‘@p the rf ty do? yi Nee What &SSP]D 9}LINOAR] }Se2] INOA SIJEUM Ye socie eo +o Stude 2 aa think of the nie oo 7 o® = iety Socials? Wye ne™ so oy, . What is the New Democratic Party? ie seen vo: Ge, What is the Social Credit government? u gl Co like least abo t ie qo? ov? Wp, at Ye. e? o Shouig 5 Out ap @ Men What do cutbacks =; N 0 fi e e ow” “nd 8Co Glas s What teams play inter-collegiate “Ponso,>"S try ex yse? aB21109 & 3 sports at Douglas College? ev yo ave Do surveys ever serve a useful purpose? Paper Chase for comic collectors and for paper collectables Thanksgiving Weekend Special Oct.786&9, Sunday 12 til 5 pm. 20% offall comics 20% off back issues in showcase and on backwall 40% off all other back issue stock A chance to pick up and save on Comics and Magazines Receive an additional 10% on cash sales over $50 Regular Hours Tues and Wed. -12til 5pm. Saturday - 10 til 5pm. Closed Mon., Thurs., & Sundays. 515 Agnes St. 524-5611 Ye Gamemasters Shoppe 513 Agnes St. 521-7611 is VA (i Mi We ‘ LIQUEUR | Sane Dano th Fe Fantasy Role Playing Games -Runequest and D & D Manuals Models Magazines Books Miniatures - Fantasy and Military - RalPartha Citadel & Dark Horse Posters & Paints. Any way you like it— on the rocks, with | orange juice or your favourite mix— Southern Comfort is the one and only! oP ss. ladetion da Sod gs OMPFoRT contig see eu», fe } eR, Ny "Mc 10% Student Discount Tues. to Thurs. & Sundays - 12 til6 pm. Fridays 12 til 8 pm. Saturdays-12til 10til6épm. Southern Comfort. Its special taste made it famous. Send for a free Recipe Guide: Southern Comfort Corporation, P.O. Box 775, Place Bonaventure, Montreal, Quebec H5A 1£1