Staff Profile ne of the first people that new Douglas College staff and facul- ty meet is new Benefits Clerk Janet Westwood of the Personnel Depart- ment. She says it takes all kinds of people to make a college, and that’s what she likes about her job. "I like meeting all the people, the different personalities," says Westwood, who came to Douglas College last November. Westwood is originally from Lan- cashire, England. After vacationing in Canada, she decided that this New RRSP rates signal change in INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / January 21, 1992 Janet Westwood, Benefits Clerk in Personnel country would be a good place to live, and emigrated to Toronto in retirement planning he bad news is that the uncertain future of Canada’s social programs and an aging population mean Canadians will have to assume more responsibility for funding their retirement years. The good news is that to deal with the problem, Revenue Canada has in- creased the $3,500 limit for total employee pension and RRSP con- tributions you can make in one year. Murray Leslie of Commerce and Business Administration says it is very important that employees take ad- vantage of this change to help prepare for retirement and protect tax- able income. Employees are advised to consult the Form T1016(E) they should have received from Revenue Canada which describes new con- tribution rates. More increases to RRSP limits are expected to be phased in over the next few years. If you want more information on financial strategies for retirement, visit the library and consult the fol- lowing weekend editions of the 1991 Financial Post: Jan. 11-13 (RRSP deposit rates); Jan. 18-20, Feb. 8-10 Survey results favour program he Personnel Department has Tescaicte initial assessment of the Employee Recognition Survey dis- tributed last term. The surveys were completed by 172 employees (24 percent return rate), with a majority of those support- ing the proposal to establish some kind of employee recognition pro- gram at Douglas College. Of the respondents, 65 percent rated such recognition as "extremely important in fostering employee/col- lege relationships." Asked what focus such a program a 1978. However, the temperate climate of the West Coast beck- oned, so she came to Vancouver in 1981, working in the insurance field. Most of her spare time is taken up by her two pre-school children, but she likes to read and to sew for pleasure. It was her "adventur- ous spirit" that led her to Canada, but she says bunjy jumping is not on her list of fun leisure activities. "I’m not a risk-taker," she laughs. A (rules and strategies); Jan. 18-20, Feb. 15-17 (mutual funds). A should take (respondents could select more than one answer), 75 percent believed it should consider "outstand- ing contributions" by an individual or work team while 43 percent replied "community achievement" should be a factor. Asked about the nomination process for the program, 75 percent favoured "peers in the same depart- ment" while 55 percent selected "customers/students" and 51 percent included "other employees." Results are still being tabulated and reviewed. A