All packed up and ready to go There’s a whole lot of movin’ going on. First the Alumni Association and the Douglas College Foundation moved offices, then the Centre for International Education, and now Community Programs and Services. Why all the shuffling? "Additional space," says Facilities Manager Terry Leonard. Most of that space is in recently completed offices in the North Wing opposite the Performing Arts Theatre. Besides providing more room, the new area also allows depart- ments with scattered operations to combine all personnel in one area. CP&S, now in Room 4011, formerly had offices on both the first and second floors. One of those vacated offices, Room 1300A, now houses the new BCGEU space. "We'll miss our friends in 2300, but look forward to getting to know our new neighbours," says CP&S Director Margaret Mahan. Some of those neighbours include the Alumni Association, formerly beside Switchboard, now located in Room 4002, along with the Foundation (which for- merly shared space with Facilities). The new location increases the visibility of these departments and invites more walk-in traffic. Boxed In and moving out. Evelyn Roy of CP&S prepares to move during her department's fourth-floor shift In July. Having offices in the same area has also improved communications between Tad Hosoi, Manager of International Educa- tion, and Program Assistants Jan Gara and Taeko Berwick. The new space in Room 4006 also allows students easier access to resource materials. Phone numbers will remain the same for all departments that have moved. CP&S along with Alumni/Foundation and International Ed will be hosting an Open House in September. Who's moving next? We will keep you posted. A Minton leads new program Katherine Minton has been chosen to run the new College program, New Directions: A Preparatory Skills Program for Adults with a Head Injury. The program, which begins in September, is believed to be the first of its kind in Canada. It will offer two components: skills development and college preparation for students plan- INside INformation INside Douglas College is pub- lished the first Tuesday of every month by the Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon two weeks prior to publica- tion. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4840 at the New Westmin- ster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 $s douglas college ning to enter a college or university, and a learning lab with tutorial assistance for students already enrolled in a post-second- ary institution. Minton holds a Masters in Education from Baylor University in Texas and is a learn- ing specialist. She has been on contract with the College since October 1991, working in Disabled Student Services, and is teaching ESL this summer. & 9