EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (onside) NORTHERN LIGHTS COLLEGE Northern Lights College are _interested in setting up a faculty exchange program, © the college services northern B.C. with campuses at Dawson Creek, Chetwynd, Fort St. John, Fort Nelson & Atlin. For further information call Joan M. Barnetson,Chairperson, Fort St.John (604) 785-6981. Institute News FACULTY EXCHANGES The International Office now has on file the following faculty exchanges: Australia-Home Science, English, Climatolocy, Acriculture Studies. United Kingdom Literature, Engin- eering, Outdoor Pur- suits, Teacher Training Biology, Psychology & Environmental Studies Micro-Enconomics & Macro-Economics, Business Studies, Heating & Air * Conditioning, Engineer- ing Drawing, Workshop Technology, Mathematics & Science, Physics, Control & Developing staff & students studying Business Studies, Economics & Acctg., For further information on the above call: Barry Leach Langley Campus - 530-7391 MAD HATTER PAGE 2 INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CURRENT PROJECTS 1. Batkanu Agricultural Secondary School, Sierra Leone. The Faculty, Staff, Administrators & Student Associations have been requested to contribute funds towards the development of this school. The project is sponsored by the International Office of the A.c.C.c. If the target figure of $12,000 is met by don- ations from colleges across Canada,C.I.D.A. will match with an equal sum. Please support your association in contributing to this project. 2. Donation and Distribution of David Werner's book - "Where there is no Doctor” This excellent book for public health workers, community nurses, and pharmacists was first published in Spanish for distribution in Latin America. Two years ago the Institute sent ex- tracts of the English edition to agencies in India where it has now been edited and published by the Volunteer Health Association, New Delhi. Translations into Hindi, Urdu, Tamil and Kanada are currently being prepared. The Rotary Club of Dar Es Salaam has published a Swahili edition. The Institute is raising funds to distribute copies of this book to overseas agencies, deve- lopment projects, and refugee settlements. . The Brett Estate has been divided into two parts: the Brett Bequest operated by the Save the Children Fund, Vancouver, and the Brett Voc- ational Training Fund of the Tibetan Refugee Aid Society (shortly to be renamed Training and Re- habilitation Aid Society of Canada). Arrangements were made last fall with seven agencies in India and Nepal to act as sponsors to select and ad- minister the students receiving aid for vocational training. Projects proposed this year for a grant from the Brett Bequest include: a.Intergrated rural development by the Association for Sarva Seva Farms, India. b. Elementary School Construction, Khabre Palanchok, Nepal. 4, Spring Fund Raising Sales As usual the Institute will be holding sales of good used clothing, pottery, books, household utensils, small furniture, records and appliances to raise funds for overseas projects. Your donations are needed. Deliver items to the Institutes Office, Langley Campus, or Room 601 L Surrey Campus For more information on the above contact: Barry Leach, Surrey Campus.