rj) fn OUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES the 1983 September 26, Mad Hatte A Douglas College atter | Open House Committee At their meeting on September 6, Management Committee approved the establishment of a standing committee composed of one repres- entative from each Division and one repres- entative from College Management. The func- tion of this committee will be: A. to make recommendations to College Man- agement regarding dates and the frequen- cy of Open House B. to co-ordinate departmental activities for each Open House. Gordon Gilgan has volunteered to be the Management representative in the initial stages and will request nominations for rep- resentatives from each division. Repres- entatives may be from administration, facul- ty, staff or students. Bill Day Curriculum Approvals It was brought to the attention of Manage- ment Committee that a course which had not followed the usual approval process through the governance system was given special ap- proval for offering this fall as part of a program package. This has presented prob- lems since the course is equivalent to soa course already offered by the Col- ege. It was agreed by Management Committee that the existing regulations be re-enforced and that no extraordinary approvals will be giv- en in the future. Bill Day -— lf You Love This PRianet Terry Nash will be presenting her award win- ning film, 'If You Love This Planet’, on Friday, October 7, 1983. All College students, staff, faculty and ad- ministrators are invited to attend. Admis- sion is free. The film will be shown in the evening with the time and location TBA. The showing of this film is a jointly spon- sored event by the Kwantlen Student Associa- tion and Douglas Student Society. Douglas Student Society will be hosting a Social af- ter the film, Cdlendars Are Few The supply of 83/84 calendars is almost ex- hausted. Arrangements have been made with the Library for calendars to be available on a two week loan. To borrow a calendar, inquiries should be made at the Circulation desk. Andy Wilson Registrar More On Survival Of The Fittest A number of persons have asked me what I was getting at in my previous submission on the above topic and so I will attempt to be more specific. We are all familiar with the theory of evolu- tion which explains our present existence on the basis of the dynamic of natural selection or survival of the fittest. If we came into being by this dynamic then, presumably, we still live in the grip of this dynamic. The theory of evolution does not assign any val- ue to anything that exists. The concept of values is something which we have evolved.