THE OTHER PRESS The Other Press Published since 1976 Room 1020 — 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 Telephone: 604.525.3542 Fax: 604.525.3505 Managing Editor Colin “J Jonah” Miley News Editor Nicole “greenhorn” Burton Opinions Editor Brandon “whiskey” Ferguson Arts & Entertainment Editor lain “goodlookin"” W. Reeve Features Editor Kevin “Irvine” Welsh Sports Editor Vacant Proofreader Millie “Vanilli” Strom Graphics Godzira Blattmann Layout Mothra Hargreaves Photography Kat “no” Code WebiI.T. “Fast” Eddie Keech Distribution Manager Derek “mighty” Ungless Office Manager J.J. “organized anarchy” McCullough Accountant Alyona “calculator” Luganskaya Columnists Amanda Aikman, J.J. McCullough, lain Reeve Illustrator J.J. “pencil collector” McCullough External Relations Kerry “oldschool” Evans Contributors “The Outlaw” Josie Padro, Darren “The Dingo” Patterson, Smithy McSmitherson- Smith Ill, Vince “Neil” Yim The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student newspaper. The Other Press is run by a collective and is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly (as a magazine) during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registra- tion, and from local and national advertis- ing revenue. The Other Press is a mem- ber of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspa- pers from across Canada. We adhere to CUP's Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics—except when it suits us not to. The Other Press reserves the tight to choose what to publish, and will not publish material that is racist, sexist, or homophobic. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images are copyright to their respec- tive owners. MAILBAG The following letter has not been edited in any way. Ms Lambert has a right to light up Mr. Reeve, and she has a right to do it in her own words. Dear editor, As I read A&E Editor Iain Reeve’s Go To Hell Harry Potter (August), I had to agree with his friends: Don’t bitch about Potter’s popularity if you haven’t read a sin- gle Potter book. While Mr. Reeves agrees he shouldn’t “[criticize] the content of the stories in any way, shape or form,” he claims, “What I am criticizing is the popularity [Harry Potter] has garnered while providing nothing much in the way of original or compelling content.” Sounds to me like Mr. Reeves is criticizing the con- tent for being neither original nor compelling. I must admit, I too once questioned the popularity of And let me tell you, Mr. Reeves, those books provide much in the way of original and compelling content, and that is what their success hinges upon. Kids aren’t suckers, and in this day and age, an unoriginal, pre- dictable story would be no competition for the video games they play. Yet here we are, volume number six, and 672 pages long. The fifth one was 766. In the end, I don’t care if Mr. Reeves reads Harry Potter, but for Pete’s sake, he shouldn’t be criticizing a book’s popularity if he hasn’t taken the time to read that book and see whether or not its popularity is deserved. the Harry Potter books, amid much eye rolling. I didn’t need to buy into any hype, thank-you very much. Then I Respectfully, took Children’s Lit, and guess what was on the reading list. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The weekly deadline for submissions is Wednesday for publication the following Wednesday. Letters to the Editor, vacant sec- tions, and “time-sensitive” articles (weekend news, sports, and cultural reviews) will be accepted until Saturday noon and can be sub- mitted to the editor at. All other submissions should be forward- ed to the appropriate section editor. Please include your name, phone number/email address, and word count, and submit via email as an MS Word.doc attachment to the attention of the appropriate editor. News nicolemarieburton @ Opinions opinionsubmit@ A&E aeditor @ Features krwelsh Sports Lynn Lambert Reformed Potter Critic @ Local Designers Tues-Sat 10-6 ® Cool Consignment Sun-12-5 @ Jewlery @ Accessories @ One of a kind finds en eee ener errr arene eee Douglas College | | | Students recieve 10% discount when valid student | _ ID presented | |