a eee TY, Yo 7 A CR IPERS Le AO ee Page 2 ( Nu P ATLANTIC CITY, at the Savoy Cinema, 2321 Main, 7:30 pm, till Sunday. THE ELEPHANT MAN, at the Savoy Cinema, 2321 Main, 9:30 pm, till Sunday. {HE TIM DRUM, at Cin- ‘ma Simon Fraser, 5:00 im, Be there. KARLA CUMMINS, paint- ing-exhibition at the Ridge- way and Lincoln branches of the Coquitlam Public Library, 1063 Ridgeway Ave., 937-7121 or 3020 Lin- coln Ave.. 464-1112. D.O.A. WEEK, at the Smilin Budda, Main and Hastings, Nov. 13, 1981 Friday. Don’t miss it. GOH BALLET PERFORMS AT THE James Cowan The- atre, 6450 Gilpin St. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 13/14, tickets $5.50 for students. SHOW BOAT is the annual barbershop show at the Vincent Massey Auditorium 8th & 8th in New West., Friday & Saturday Nov. 13 &14; looks like a freebee. THE CHALK GARDEN, is a play at the Vagabond Playhouse, Nov. 11-14;18-21 8:00 pm. For tickets phone 521-0412. It’s a screamer. SOLDIER OF ORANGE, at pm sharp. UPDATE FROM BELFAST, hear Michael Quigley speak on the struggle of Irish Republican prisoners, Fish- ermen’s hall, 138 E. Cord- ova St., 7:30 pm. Cinema Simon Fraser, 8:00 . The Other Press Other Events WORKSHOPS IN RADICAL THERAPY, all proceeds to Rape Relief House, phone David Hastey at 437-0767. NEW WEAVE: Women’s music and poetry, 8:00 pm, Women in Focus, 456 W. Broadway, $3.50 or $5.50. friday the 13TH, 8:00 .t| Cinema Simon Fraser. Saturday, NOv. 14, 1981 FLESH GORDON, at the Savoy Cinema, 2321 Main, 12:00 Midnite. FOLK FESTIVAL, at the Orpheum Theatre, with Bim Heather Bishop, Pied Bear, David Sereda and others; Saturday, Nov. 14, 7:30 pm. Sunday, NOv. 15, 1981 THE LAST WALTZ, at the Ridge Theatre, 4:00 pm. JACK AND THE BEAN STOCK, at the Ridge Thea- tre, 2:00 pm. Monday, Nov. 16, 1981 MUDDY BOTTOM BOYS play the Soft Rock Cafe, Nov. 16, members $4.00, others $5.00 WOLFEN, at the Savoy Cinema, 2321 Main at 7:30 until Wednesday. THE HAND, at the Savoy Cinema, 2321 Main at 9:15 until Wednesday. STAFF MEETING for the Other Press, 4:00 pm, in the Top room. Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1981 Composer Joey Shithead contemplates where his next beer will come from an many obscenities will fit in his next song. COMMUNITY ARTS coun- cil paper fair, at Robson Square until Nov. 21. wednesday, nov. 18, 1981 EMPLOYMENT, Communi- cation and Disabled Persons workshop with Mrs. Shirley McFeat at VCC Langara College Library, 5th floor room 503A. Contact the United Way, 1625 W. 8th Ave. 731-7781 : Thursday, Nov. 19, 1981 STUDENT SOCIETY infor- mation rally, 2:00 at the New Westminster campus. Be there to help the student sociey fight cutbacks. Call 522-6038 for more info. OUTLAND is at Cinema Simon Fraser 8:00 tonight and Friday. WESTWORLD, at Cinema Simon Fraser, 5:00 pm. AGURRIE: THE WRATH OF GOD, at the Savoy Cinema, 2321 Main at 7:30 until Sunday. Be there. THE ENIGMA OF CASPAR HAUSER, at the Savoy onema, 2321 Main at 9:15 in, until Sunday. Friday, Nov. 20, 1981 EMERGENCY GENERAL MEETINGof the student society at the New West- minster campus, 9:00 am, come out and see what the student society has to say, and do. saturday, nov. 21, 1981 JIMS PHI CLUB, 8:30, Rollo Mays, ‘‘Every Man for Himself’’. ow JIMI HENDRIX, at the avoy Cinema, 2321 Main, 2:00 Midnight. Sunday, Nov. 22, 1981 ROLE OF THE SEA GOD DESS in Inuit Mythology, a lecture by Marie Francoise Guedon at the Surrey Art Gallery, 2:00 pm THE WIZARD OF OZ, at theRidge Theatre, 3131 Arbutus, 2:00 pm. 2001: A SPACE ODDES§ SEY AT THE Rdge Theatre 3131 Arbutus, 4:00 pm. DANCE YOUR HEART OUT, 8:00 to 12:00 at the West End Community Cen- tre, sponsored by the Les- bian Information Line. 101: A SPACE ODDESS- : Y 1s playing at the Ridge ueatre, 3131 Arbutus Ave, ' 00 pm. OLE of the Sea Goddess : Inuit Mythology, a lec- ‘re by Marie Francoise ‘wedon at the Surrey Art villery, 2:00 pm. Monday, Nov. 23, 1981 DR. STRANGELOVE, 7:30 pm at the Savoy Cinema Cinema, 2321 Arbutus, un- til Wednesday. 526-1411 636 SIXTH AVE. SAS When You're ready to run. Just ask for Lorne November 12) HURRICANE Ridgerunners | Play the Soft Rock Cafe, Nov. 30, Be there or be Nov. 30. Be there or die. COUNTRY GAZETTE will be coming to the Soft Rock Cafe, Dec. 7, $8.00 for members, others fork out $10.00 tough. BRING your own instru- ments to the Soft Rock Cafe any night you want. Maybe you'll get to jam at 7:00, showtime begins at 8:30. RON JOHNSTON and his quartet play in Rm. N405, at the McBride Site, 12:30, and its free. This is one of the Thursday Noon Hour Concert Series. unclassified My eyes have taken a dislike to contact lenses. Consequently I have 33 bottles of Nutra-Flow Sol- ution (for soft contacts) that are of no use to me. London Drugs price: $3.38/bottle. My price: '$2.50/bottle. Call Jack Crich at 526-5822. ae