INNOVATION ABSTRACTS It has been brought to my attention that some people would like an index to the Innovation Abstracts which are a regular addition to the Mad Hatter. | have a complete index for Volume | through Volume Vill (July 1979 to September 1986). In addition, | have a complete collection of articles from Volume VI, No. |! (April, 1984) to the present. If you would like a copy of the index of the articles (issues), please let me know. Gerry DellaMattia STUDENT SOCIETY ELECTION RESULTS As the newly elected President of the Student Society | would like to take this opportunity to advise you of the other successful candidates in the elections. They are as follows: Fiona Cairns - Vice President Rick Shepherd - Secretary Shane Polack - Treasurer My term of office came into effect on April 8, 1987, and the others will com- mence their terms on September |, 1987, unless a position becomes vacant previous to that date. in my position as President of the Student Society, | look forward to my association with all the members of the College. Please feel free to contact me at 2784 or drop by my office at 2780. Anena Johnston, President, DCSS WALK-FOR- LITERACY | would like to apologize to the people from Douglas College who contributed to the Walk-for-Literacy held last October in Stanley Park. | am sorry for the delay in getting receipts and information out to sponsors and walkers. The Walk raised $4000 which will go to the Carnegie Centre and the Adult Literacy Contact Centre. Thanks are extended to Gillies Malnarich, for the work she did in organizing the College support. The Adult Basic Education Association of B.C. has re- cently been granted charitable tax status by the Federal Government, and we will be organizing the Second Annual Walk-for-Literacy this fall. We will be better organized the second time around, and look forward to your continued support of this very worthwhile cause. If you have any questions please contact me at the Maple Ridge Centre - 467-681 I. Norma Kidd, Chair, Project Literacy B.C. DOUGLAS COLLEGE HEALTH AWARENESS CLUB The Health Awareness Club meets every Wednesday from 12:00 to |:00 P.M. in room 2802. Although this began as a “Diet” Club, none of us are strictly dieting but, as we become more conscious of health factors and their importance through our instructor, Chris Johnson, we are gradually losing weight. Club activities vary from pot-luck luncheons where the food structure is analyzed into fats, carbohydrates, etc., to playing adult games (where a good time is had by all). We have seen films on health subjects such as fad diets and osteoporosis and on fine days we walked to the Quay and Friendship Gardens. Future plans include outdoor games such as tennis. Our knowledgeable and fun-oriented instructor, Chris Johnson, originally offered only his help, but has now kindly taken over the structure of the Club and his efforts are much appre- ciated. We feel we have learned a great deal about our health requirements in the past few weeks. Above all, we now realize the neces- sity of some form of exercise on a regular basis. Applications are now being taken for a personal nutritional analysis through the local Y.M.C.A. The cost - approxi- mately $11.00 per person - will dep- end on the number of participants. Information is available through Chris Johnson at local 5334. The club will continue until June and new members are still welcome. Registration is through C.P. & S. and the fee is $10.00. RRSP - DEFERRED SALARY LEAVE Due to recent changes in the tax laws it may be possible to implement a flexible RRSP program through payroll deduction. Although details are somewhat vaque at this time, ‘Deferred Salary Leave Plan’ deductions appear to be a possi- bility. CANCER FUND | am a canvasser for the Canadian Cancer Society, and would be deligh- ted to receive your contribution. Income tax receipts will be issued. Murray Leslie, Dept. of Commerce and Business Administration