KEYING POLICY Individuals signing out keys must present their College identification prior to receiving their key. Faculty/staft if you leave the College or change offices you MUST SIGN YOUR KEY BACK TO PHYSICAL PLANT FOR RE-ASSIGNMENT. Requests for additional keys must come by memo to Physical Plont, Room 4800 after it has been approved by your DIRECTOR OR CHAIRPER- SON. Terry Leonard AIR HANDLING UNITS In order to obtain the most effective use of the air circulation system in CLASSROOMS we would like to remind faculty members of the follow- ing conditions. 1. The air circulation system was designed to function best “WITH CLASSROOM DOORS CLOSED’. Open doors are counter productive to the system. 2. The switch with decal “switch on for air conditioning” must be on to activate the air circulation system. When film and overhead projectors are being used, it would be desirable to leave on the special bank of lights. Terry Leonard PARKING PASSES & PARKING REBATE Fill out a parking application approved by Terry Leonard or Fran Berg. Parking Passes: Apply at Parkade Office - P| entrance. Make cheques payable to Impark. $48.00 per semester - $10 deposit for your cardirol pass. Refundable when you return to Impark. Faculty Parking Rebate: Submit your cancelled cheque or receipt on your department expense account and give it to your Director/ Chairman. Your department will rebate $48.00 (or what is pro-rated). Impark will rebate the $10.00 deposit. Fran Berg LADIES PEN FOUND A ladies’ gold pen has been found in the Personnel Office. Owner may claim by identifying. See Silvia Wojak in Personnel. GROUP ADVISING SCHEDULE We will not run the Group Advising weekly schedule in the Mad Hatter over the summer semester. However, we will send copies of the schedule to all the curriculum field bases on a weekly basis. The schedule is also posted two to three weeks in advance at the follow- ing locations: - Student Services, front door; - Admissions; - Maple Ridge Centre; - Dewdney Trunk offices If you require further information about the schedule, or would like to receive it on a weekly basis, please phone the Student Services’ receptionist at local 2760. Academic Advisors REPLACEMENT OF PAT THOMASSON Pat Thomasson will be on Maternity Leave from May ||, 1987 through to January 4, 1988. In her absen Devona Davies will be responsible fo room bookings and catering. Paul Hodson will be responsible for Telephones and Mail. Terry Leonard TO ALL FACULTY Larry Davies plans to conduct a faculty up-date on the Maple Ridge Commu- nity Education Centre on: WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1987 1000 - 1200 hours Room 3825 All interested faculty are invited to attend. Gordon W. Gilgan, Dean, Academic Division