PMLE: Complaints Involving Excluded Personnel - Policy and Procedures DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES POLICY STATEMENT: All members of the Douglas College community may lodge a com- plaint against any member of the excluded personnel (herein- after referred to as administrator(s). This complaint procedure is not legally binding on either the Complainant, the College, or its administrators. It is intended as an informal procedure and has been designed to assist parties to a dispute to resolve that dispute in an expe- ditious, courteous and collegial manner. RULES AND PROCEDURES STATEMENT: I General Rules and Procedures 1) It is the responsibility of any person before lodging a written complaint against an administrator, to seek to resolve the complaint orally, either with the administrator concerned, or with the immediate supervisor of the administrator. ’ Failing resolution orally, a written complaint against an administrator shall be delivered in writing to the immediate supervisor of the administrator concerned. This written statement should: a) define the nature of the complaint b) provide a context and rationale c) provide other information in support of the complaint d) specify the desired solution On receipt of the written complaint the immediate supervisor shall provide a copy of the complaint to the person(s) com- plained against. In addition he/she will assist the parties, within (10) working days, to resolve the complaint before requesting the *College President to convene an Investigating Committee.