ye « DOUGLAS COLLEGE INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Rloise Lincicum DATE: lst Feb. 1975. FROM: Jean M. Buzan RE: 350d Switzer Show - Note for "Mad Hatter” You may like to use the following - it's the kind of thing that makes all the hard work, frustrations and "am I really accomplishing enything?" feelings worth while! After the third of my "Retired but Inspired" shows on "The 205 Switzer Show" (1 p.m. Tuesdays), I received a letter. This was from a lady in the extended care unit of a hospital who had watched the show. che is in a wheel-chair - a paraplegic with use of only one arm - and she wrote: "I was watching TV this morning while you were talking about coulage, I only had grade two & would love to set a little smarter if possible. I am a handicapped person in a wheel chair so i have no way tovet to school is this by correspondence... Would you please droov me a liner or better yet come * see me, I have been here now since Dec 19th...." I telephoned the nospitel and discovered that this lady has spent the last 8 years in hospitals 2nd has had more then her fair share of tragedy in her life. It touched me so much that even after all she has seen through she is still reaching out for education thet I decided to at least try to do something about it. I contacted student services st Douglas and zot in touch with Otto Funk. He immediately made further enquiries and svoke with the lady. She really wented to learn to write and spell better (thouvh her letter was better than many I heave seen from highschoolers!) so he sent a volunteer with material to test her. If it is found possible, she will be given a oec’sze developed oy Sandrs Carventer and will receive help from the student. Who knows how many more people there are just aching for such help? Perhaps this one lady who had the initiative to write after watching a T.V. show may have started another forn of Douglas outreach into the community” CIeoun ea 4