University of British Columbia Department of Health Care & Epidemiology -w~es M. Mather Building Vancouver 8, B.C. KaKKKKK TEE PROGRAMME LEADING TO THE M.Sc. (HEALTH SERVICES PLANNING) A programme in Health Services Planning leading to the award of a Master of Science degree is now offered at The University of British Columbia. The programne is administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and under the sponsorship of the Faculty of Medicine and is interdisciplinary in appzoach OBJECTIVES 1 It is anticipated that the programme will eacourage students to for- mulate questions about the exigting systcms of nealth care in Canada and other countric3, to examine available data about health services in the context of socici services generally, to consider issues and problems in planning and ad- ministration of dclivery of health care and to learn about research methods. | It is expected that, building on a foundation of formal course, students il learn much from informal discussions with one another, with faculty and with asiting health professionals. The teaching methods used will erable students to learn about applying z the colution of practical problems. Thus, they will be expected to wucre their experiences in desigriing rescarch projects; they will discuss case sctucics of actual situations in administrction of hospitais and in operational planning with experienced civil servants and managers of health services insti- tutions; thcy will be required to collect original data as a basis for their research thescs. It is anticipated that, at the end of the course, the students will find posts in: (a) health care or hospital planning and administration at relatively senior levels in Canada (b) hesaith care research (c) international health care planning and administration VULGIBILITY Tac procsramme is designed for the older student who has previously ) m2 of the health ecicaces ‘p). eesmerse c) sociclosy, soctal psychology or political science (4d) one of the life sciences tt is thought chat the programe should attract students with profe3s- iiuy . Wat. ctinarience in one of the sectors cf health care or management. With- Goo Basco tork expdriesco, <tudests ewes’ have little to build on in the case S.tcy Ge esene feo ahicn major health Care problems are discussed.