Scholarship and Student Assessment Ministry of Education Parliament Buildings, etc. Phone: (604) 387-3778 (for an interim 6 month period), (604) 387-4611 Note: Publication Services will remain at their present address and telephone number. Also Note: The actual physical address of the Ministry of Education is: Douglas Annex 620 Superior St., Victoria, B.C. V8V 1T9 Any information needing to be couriered to the Ministry should be delivered to this address. Enquiries concerning any of the above addresses/phone numbers should be directed to Information Services, Ministry of Educa- tion, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., V8V 2M4. Phone: (604) 387-4611. Education and Technology BCSTA PLANS WORLD CONGRESS ON EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY (Reprint of a news release from the British Columbia School Trustees Associ- ation, dated July 5, 1983). The B.C. School Trustees Association (BCSTA) announced plans Tuesday for an international congress on education and technology, sched- uled to coincide with Expo '86. BCSTA President Joy Leach said the congress, expected to draw as many as 10,000 delegates, will constitute a major adjunct to Expo '86. Tentative dates are May 20 - 23, 1986. "The technological future, typified today by accelerating innovations in computers, com- munication and other high-tech devices, will continue to create an over-riding need for the education community and the public to develop new learning objectives and priori- ties. To help young people cope with this burgeoning information era, we must establish ongoing dialogue among the scientists and Mad Hatter Page 4 ~~ TH innovators and those who contribute to ed- sd ucation's purposes and programs. | | Leach said the international scope of the congress will enable B.C.'s educators, ed-— ucation planners and, ultimately, the children of the province to benefit from | the global diversity of ideas and know- ledge. | "We are asking for cooperation and support | from the ministry of education, the min- | istry of universities, science and commun- ications and the Expo '86 administraiton, all bodies that have an obvious interest in such a cOngress." | Education Minister Jack Heinrich said the congress is extremely timely and has the | full support of his ministry. "For our young people's sake the education commun- | ity must remain abreast of technological advances. What better way than a world congress to ensure that high-tech eauca- tion programs in B.C. schools are at tne forefront of what the world has to offer." Leach said the congress will attract an | international audience of educationai re- searchers and practitioners to examine questions of technology's impact on indiv- | jiduals and societies. The program would | address the theme on philosophical as well as practical grounds, using a variety of learning strategies. Sepcific objectives for the congress in- | clude helping delegates to: familiarize themselves with internacion- | al developments and ideas reiated to ed- ucation and technology consider policy alternatives for the “* velopment of school curricula judge the impact technology has, and will have, on the student and the qulaity of life in the future | | | become better acquainted with research | priorities related to the theme of the | congress study projects and innovations regarding the application of computers in educa- | tional institutions '