EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (CONT'D) lethbridge Commmity College requires a Manager of Financial Services. Responsible for financial systems and policy development, cash flow, invest- ments, budget coordination and account- ing for all College financial operations. QUALIFICATIONS: An accounting designa- tion, B.Com., MBA or equivalent training. To apply, send resume, by March 3, 1982 to: Personnel Office Lethbridge Commmity College Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 116 For further information, call Mr. Paul Petry: (403) 320-3215. FACULTY EXCHANGE - 1983: Mr. Bernard Kahane, a faculty member of Dawson College in Montreal, would like to arrange for an exchange with a fac- ulty member for all or part of calendar 1983. Mr. Kahane teaches "Humanities" which is a multi-disciplinary course which forms part of the general educa- tion component of all programs at that college. For further information, contact Mr. Paul Gallagher, Capilano College, 2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver V7J 3H5 Tel: 986-1911. FOR SALE As no one bought my stupendously- bargained exterior door, I am dou- ling the price to $50.00 so you will not feel it is jumk. It has an w/ down slide window. Call Valerie MacBean, McBride loc 241 FOR SALE 1. Indian head spinner on treadle ma- chine base; excellent condition; very easy to operate; good for be- ginning spinner; includes several bags of fleece. $80 2. Braun multi-press fruit & vegetable juicer; excellent condition $70 3. Larrivee L27 Deluxe accoustic guit- ar; elaborate inlays; immaculate condition; in hardshell case; new at $1700 - sell for $1375 Contact Katrin Sermat at the switchboard, McBride 3:30 to 7:30 P.M. or call 591-1394. POLICY: CLOSURE OF COLLEGE The following policy was approved at Management Committee on February 9/82. All site locations are to remain open during normal college hours, except un- der severe adverse weather conditions, for safety reasons, or building emergen- cies. When any of the above situations arise, the College President or desig- nated administrator will decide whether a site location should be closed. If a decision is made to close a site location, every reasonable effort will be made to notify students, staff, and over radio stations CKNW, CFUN, and CHOM. The college will make every reasonable effort to assist faculty members in mak- ing up class time lost due to a closure. The closure of the college will not re- sult in adjustments to time off for per- sonnel or additional compensation for make up classes. Regular staff employees will be paid for the period of the closure, and auxiliary employees who have reported to work will be paid for their full shift scheduled for the first day of closure only. Security operations will not be affected and personnel in this category will re- main on the job for their regular shifts. Administrator responsible for closure: Weather Conditions: College President Safety Reasons: Campus Manager Building Emergency: Director, Physical Plant, or Campus Manager