DOUGLAS eCoLLece LIBRARY lambion Ab college Applications are invited for the position of DEAN OF FACULTY THE JOB -- This is the senior academic position in the College reporting directly to the President. Many of the duties and responsibilities normally associated with the role of a Vice-President Academic are incorporated within the Dean's job description. The various schools and divisions of Lambton College are administered by a total of six chairmen or directors who report directly to the Dean of Faculty. THE CANDIDATE -- The successful candidate will be a senior and experienced educational administrator with a proven record of innovative academic leadership, preferably at the post-secondary level. Demonstrable skills in the following areas are required: Program development and implementation; senior coordinating expertise at the Ministry, College, and Community levels; educational planning and financing; the optimization of administrative, faculty and support resources; and the continuance and further development of the prime college commitment to student-centered learning. THE COLLEGE -- Lambton is one of the smaller Ontario Community Colleges and has earned an enviable record of educational leadership and sound financial management. The comprehensive mature of the College encompasses not only the many established day programs, but also one of the most progressive and expand- ing programs of Continuing Education, Community Services, and Industrial Training. The College operates from a modern, fully integrated campus located in one of Ontario's prime residential and recreational areas. Please reply in confidence to: The President Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology P.O. Box 969 Sarnia, Ontario Canada N7T 7K4