' $j THE BICYCLIST Types of Users Recreation versus Transportation Public & Gov. Attitudes DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ERCHIVES BICYCLE TECHNOLOGY Affect on Design Standards SPECIAL RESEARCH Pollution Factor Auto-bicycle Con- flict BICYCLE EDUCATION School Courses Physical Education Adult-Community Ed. Safety Programmes BIKEWAY PLANNING Master B/W Plan Dual-Mode Trans- portation Systems; Bicycle/Auto, Bi- ceycle/frain, Etc. Demand Surveys Bicycle Counts BIKEWAY LEGISLATION Federal Funding Provincial Funding Municipal Funding Private Funding Law Enforcement BIKEWAY ENGINEERING Bic. Design Speed Grades & Inter- sections Surface Treat- ment, etc, etc. SUPPORT FACILITIES Parking & Storage Rest Stations Office Complex- Change Rooms 7 SOCIOLOGY-BICYCLING Bicycle As A Mechan- ism For Social Change Relation To Education POSSIBLE AREAS of | (% INVESTIGATION