1} Step Three: In recognizing the concerns put forward in both the Oct. 4th and October 18th meeting and paraphrased to read that "Every one _ involved on the Richmond Campus should have a chance to be nominated" it was agreed at the "Talk Session" on Oct. 24th that: a) This document shall be reproduced in the Mad Hatter and made available by posting on the Richmond Campus. and that b) The "Nominees" as defined in Step 1 shall be regarded as "Nominated" and recognized as the officers and/or members of the "Richmond House" Advisory Council unless and/or until further nominations are put forward. and that c) "Nominations" shall be open until November 14th, and that a general meeting shall be called to take place at the Richmond Campus on Wednesday, November 28th, 1973 and d) That notwithstanding the disposition of item (c) above and/or other items in this document, or through ensuing discussions at Principals Council, the members recognized as the Steering Committee shall meet with the Planning Council to work out better guide lines to expedite the function of the "Richmond House Advisory Council". Moved by Jim McIntosh NOTE: Address (all) nominations to Dr. George Wootton on or before November 14th, 1973. MOTION CARRIED WITH NO AMENDMENTS