NOTICE OF DSU REFERENDUM REFERENDUM QUESTION Whereas the health and dental fund historically runs a surplus such that the fee can be reduced without requiring a reduction in service to members; Whereas the Students’ Union is working to increase funding and support to clubs, and an increase to the club fund will produce additional resources for clubs; Whereas the national organization Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) has ceased to function and students at Douglas, along with those across BC, are seeking to leave; and Whereas the BC Federation of Students has been asked by BC students’ unions Cincluding the DSU) to take up the services previously provided by CFS like handbooks/planners, the mobile Apo (DSU App), student discounts, free student merchandise, and advocacy on national education issues (student debt, funding, Internatinal student issues, Aboliginal Education, etc): therefore Be it resolved that the Health and Dental Fee be reduced by $10 per year (a reduction equal to $1.25 per month based on a two-semester enrolment) as of September 1, 2018; Be it further resolved that the Club Fee be increased by $0.18 per month as of September 1, 2018; Be it further resolved that the BC Federation of Students fee be increased by $1.17 per month as of September 1, 2018. VOTING Voting in the referendum will take place on both the New Westminster and the Coquitlam campuses on the following days and times: Monday, February 26; 120m and 7pm Tuesday, Feburary 27; between 10am and 60m Wednesday, February 28; between 10am and 60m Thursday, March 1; 120m and 7pm; and Friday, March 2; 9am and 12pm. New Westminster voting will take place behind the security kiosk in the Concourse. Coquitlam voting will take place in the AB Atrium each day except February 27, when it will take place in the CD Atrium. QUESTIONS Questions about the referendum can be directed to DOUGLAS STUDENTS’ UNION