The Other Press Published since 1976 Room 1020 — 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 The following letter has not been edited in any way. L. Robinson has a right to critcize our photography, and Telephone: 604.525.3542 she has a right to do it in her own words. Fax: 604.525.3505 Managing Editor “Quickdraw” Colin Miley othereditor Dear Other Press, News Editor You know how much I love you. Your pages adorn of us old-timers recognize these three as our beautiful — Bie ri my coffee table, line my litter box, and act as a beauti- purveyors of caffeinated perfection, many a Douglas ee fully provocative insulation when taped to the walls of newcomer has been left baffled by the picture attached eee taal ‘ my hovel. That being said, although I fall asleep at to the article. I see these newbies constantly, staring at fandon “bandaito’ Ferguson Ccventsae beens xt night to images of a Ferguson-Miley sandwich dancing the article, eyeing those lovely beasts behind the coffee ; in my head, and would love nothing more than to lick cart, then leaving, confused, disheartened, and coffee- Arts & Entertainment Editor lain “Yee Haw’ W. Reeve Kevin sweetly from head to toe, Iam saddened to say I less. RE Soe do have one teensy little complaint: Don't worry, dear OP, despite your error, I have taken Features Editor In Kevin's article, “Douglas College Crash Course,” he it upon myself to rectify the matter, and will be crazy ee (accurately) points the way for many a nubile young gluing a more appropriate photo in all copies of your Douglas initiate to eschew the regular cafeteria coffee in Back to School issue. — = lg at high noon favour of coffee from Kelly and company at the coffee cae cart. Unfortunately, the picture attached to the article With love, fe hale Sula Medicine Woman is not, in fact, Kelly, Dorothy, or Terry. Although most L. Robinson Graphics Tex Blattmann boomboomdarkroom @ Yep. We screwed up. Our bad. Layout —Editor Mex Hargreaves saraharmerstolemystereo @ Photography Kat “smoke signal” Code veo SUBMISSION Eddie “the gambler” Keech other_press GUIDELINES Distribution Manager Derek “haybailin” Ungless fee . The weekly deadline for submissions is Office Manager Wednesday for publication the following “Sherriff J.J. McCullough : : wart_mamu@ Wednesday. Letters to the Editor, vacant sec- tions, and “time-sensitive” articles (weekend Accountant : ki Alyona “the banker’ Gugiiekaya news, sports, and cultural reviews) will be tradexilc accepted until Saturday noon and can be sub- mitted to the editor at: Columnists via Amanda “can-can” Aikman, All other submissions should be forward- J.J. “can't-can’t” McCullough, ed to the appropriate section editor. Please lain “won't-won't” Reeve ; s include your name, phone number/email Illustrator address, and word count, and submit via J.J. “wanted poster” McCullough ‘ e a ve email as an MS Word.doc attachment to the wart_mamu @ attention of the appropriate editor. External Relations Kerry “squinty-eyes” Evans kerryevans @ Contributors News a Jason “the kid” Chan, “Wagon-trail’ Kerry | nicolemarieburton @ Evans, Brian “gunsmoke” McLennon, Brent “bootleg” Morley, Darren “you killed my Pappy” Patterson, Smithy Opinions McSmitherson-Smith II! “with a gun” opinionsubmit The Other Press is Douglas College's autonomous student newspaper. A&E aeditor@ The Other Press is run by a collective and is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly (as a Features magazine) during the summer. . . krwelsh We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registra- tion, and from local and national advertis- Sports ing revenue. The Other Press is a mem- othereditor@ ber of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspa- pers from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics—except when it suits us not to. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to publish, and will not publish material that is racist, sexist, or homophobic. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images are copyright to their respective owners.