Tey Near e So, it’s only our third issue of the Other Press this semester, and already we're giving away fab- ulous prizes. Wow, we are like, sooo nice. This week it’s Shark Tale prize packs, next week it could be an all expenses paid trip for two to Italy, you never know. That’s why you’ve gotta keep reading. You see, in addition to being nice, we are also marketing geniuses. Evil marketing geniuses...mu-ha-ha-ha! (That’s my evil market- ing genius laugh in case you’re wondering). Even if you aren’t lucky enough to score Shark Tale tickets, you still can enjoy the privi- lege of reading your very own copy of this week’s Other Press. So you see, everyone’s a winner when you really think about it. This week we’ve got all kinds of tasty treats on the menu—from timely, informative news pieces to entertaining music, game, and theatre reviews to an interview with a real live sports celebrity. Not too shabby, eh? We're talking lit- erally minutes of quality entertainment here tay es Oh, and to all the Scientologists out there, | hope that you can take our fake news story for what it is—a joke, a laugh, a wind up, a bit of fun—we’re the first ones to be able to laugh at ourselves, so we hope that you can do the same. Actually, that’s not true. We’re not the first ones to be able to laugh at ourselves; there were those other kids on the playground that started laughing first. Ooh, they made us sooo mad! They weren’t Scientologists though, I don’t think, so no hard feelings, okay? \loha, \manda Aikman SEPHEMbeF aa/a0e AS ar TING ings sess oidanecicswiccadvicersevad na endinea eee eee 4 Na Was IR NINN sis is nisecedccreraci otsercaciraniese BAe \ Noche diel luhindsa cee ee eel nel 3 OG PUT TIN INN ios en ceie ease nnnisenderacataeensiuarsteetnend 6 NINN circ h ira 0c tak cas ctpac ae Res welt odags peed raugeteistalsend ] "Eee ete OEMS Hose RL: 8 TROT ISIN nace decd cic ccic eh ne cctesenksacslvanuegvedsavernnsvarcvaces 8 oi ccacc arse rvs ce ovens ncnannccecineseansaawicserieiaon oe on ae aeeeeeee 9 i Gioht Sami tn Dep Wak ke Wie... see 10 IIE ooo cin accicssctecctnnsuancideig ica sacl sncnae Regie eulcaane ee 10 ae 2 INI ooo ciso:ckavaivisiesaeecassnurscevercdyavtsel edececehamiiazancuisees 4 Ron Sexsmith: Retriever, CD ROVIGW ..............cscccescccsssecssceesseceeseeersaeetseeessarenseens 13 Star Ocean Till the End of Time, Game ReVIGW ...............cceceeeeceeceecseceeeseeseeeseneeeseess Ih a Sains cs sielvy pts cheese chananien a beget epomaieee anna 1 MCN Sos hl eh nicacs adie an ae i en ee ee 17 III i De avennience nb ebeneeiatee Lover i] NE ON os sncupchesnnc sven casbaeels estan ee 19 Frm LPM NAD MIPMIONE 25 Sec cv vitae Fak bean vpn stumndec da CaRESSDIy ia loelae kt é0 Get off Your Procrastinating Asses! .............. ccc cccccceseessssscsesseseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseersens 20 BN WN UM oss ccciiicisccvacecniccecedstsucvsasssncevapenca Renee eee al MO IE oan soci cece scadeneasancederiosees aig eeee ate ee RN i ideas ene See ee 4 ee ks ee 23 GUNEPPPESS | 3