3, d alee ae “COD, 4- STORK rc eae coe a Goce ool Ct eet Three Ring Circus | Ladeeeez aaand Gentlemen...prepare yourselves for the fight of the century! In this corner...weighing in at pens, I can imagine it being very disconcerting in the least. An Open Letter on Abortion: Mr. Brian Dickson Chief Justice The Supreme Court of Canada Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0J1 Dear Mr. Dickson: Regardless of my personal views on the abortion issue, there are a few things that are confusing me in regard to the function of the Supreme Court and parliament. Inthe first instance, was it the in- tention of the government of Canada, in introducing the new Constitution and the Charter of Rights, that this would result in some of the laws passed in parlia- ment being struck down? I under- stand that this was indeed the case. If so, then they have created an in- strument which is more powerful than parliament. If the Supreme Court, on the other hand, brings down a judgement because of the Charter of Rights, then it is clear that this same instrument is also of greater power than the Supreme Court. What appears to have been created in the new Constitution and particularly in the Charter of Rights is an instrument which is more powerful than either of the two most powerful bodies in the country; namely, what has been created is a form of god. As I have been reading the various judge- ments reported in the newspapers where the judges essentially plead: "The Charter made me do it." The picture that has been forming in my mind is that of a gold casket con- taining the Constitution and the Charter of Rights mounted on a high hill in Ottawas with all the politicians, judges and liberals bowed down before it while the lawyers pass through the crowd taking up a collection. When a na- tion has given up its faith in the pos- well over a thousand gory pamphlets...PRO-LIFE!!! And in this corner...the self-proclaimed realists...PRO-CHOICE!!! Let the battle begin. Sound familiar? Did someone forget something? You bet. With everyone taking sides on the abortion issue, no one seems to stress that this is a very complex issue in which there can be no black/white good/evil lines drawn. I will be the first to agree that Bill Vanderzalm has the IQ of a Ritz cracker, but it is not possible to evaluate something as contentious and delicate as the abortion of a human life without seeing both points of view. What this country and all the world needs is a com- prehensive and detailed policy on abortion. While it is medically and morally difficult to decree the time at which life begins, certain practical considerations must be kept in mind. For example, a cousin of mine was born three months premature, in other words, her mother was six months into term. It should be pointed out that, while dangerous and frowned upon, abortions have been per- formed in the sixth month of pregnancy. Now, I must point out that my cousin was most definitely alive, and is now a healthy, happily married 21 year old. If her mother had decided that a baby was inconvenient at that time, my cousin would have just been a twinkle in her cest. mother’s eye. Also, in some cases abortions have resulted in live births, at which point the attending physician was forced to commit infanticide. Although this rarely hap- sibility of a real God, a false god is usually erected to take his place. Unfortunately, false gods have a nasty tendency of deceiving their followers. I have read the article "Here Come the Judges" in Maclean’s. I am certain that if I were to get to know any one of you personally that I would like and respect you. But there is no way that I want a body such as the Supreme Court of Canada to have the Kind of power that it now appears to have. The English language simply fails me when I try to express how strongly I feel about this. When I heard of your decision on the abortion issue last week, for the first time in my fifty-two years, I could not feel at home in the country of my birth. I suddenly realized that what I had been rejecting was in fact true - decisions will now be based on legality and not necessarily on morality; that, in fact, there no longer is a clear basis for morality in this country. In my experience, when a couple realizes that the wife is pregnant they rejoice and celebrate the oc- casion. Immediate plans are made as to how to accomodate this new person coming into their lives. The unborn child is loved and cherished long before it is born. And when a couple I know lost their child through a miscarriage, they genuinely grieved the loss. That, I believe, is the human reaction to conception and child birth. We should mourn the fact that in our society the conception of a child is considered little more than a nuisance by many. We also recog- nize that many parents are so unfit to have children that it is more mer- ciful not to let the child come into being. That is the inhuman situa- tion in our society. Therefore trot- ting out abortion on demand under the guise of the dignity of women and hailing it as a victory for feedom is a gross distortion of human values. How quickly the false god has deceived us. Had it been said that the situation in our country was such that a growing number of persons no longer want to take responsibility for their sexual activities; that in many cases the parents have such potential for abuse that it is more merciful to kill the unborn child; that children are not taught adequate moral stand- ards; that, in fact, the whole drive behind the pro-choice movement is the decadence and lack of love in our society, and that providing freer abortion was seen as being the best solution to this problem, then I might have been better able to ac- cept your judgement. But to at- tempt to disquise the abortion issue as being something honourable and being even remotely connected to Gruesome details aside, there are definitely cases where abortion is necessary, such as if the mother’s life is threatened. In instances where rape or incest are involved, carrying the fetus to full term could be psychologically damaging, and has led to suicide attempts in the past. In situations such as these, it is obvious that an abortion would be deemed necessary, but it is my opinion that abortions should not be used just as a form of birth control, as that is the epitome of carelessness .and is by any standards barbaric. Now, back to the idiot child premier...His policy on abortion needs one hell of a lot of rethinking. What it does is discriminate against low income mothers or those on welfare. Whatever the Premier’s policy is, women who can afford abortions can get one on demand, for any reason, while those who cannot afford them are stuck, even if they are victims of rape or in- As you can now see, the issue is much more complicated than a yes/no position, so maybe people will begin to take a more rational and less reactionary stance. by Dean MacPherson human dignity and worth and having anything really to do with freedom is symbolic of the blind- ness that besets this whole issue. It is this blindness that frightens me more than the actual possibility of abortion clinics in my neighbour- hood. Who is safe when the bases for judgement are so uncertain? I may be safe with you but what about the man who may take your place? As a veteran of World War II, you know what it is like to sacrifice for real freedom. Do you want to give place to the proponents of pro-choice under the same ban- ner of freedom? You may very well have given the victory you and many others won, as a result of World War II, back to Hitler; abor- tion was one of the main tools used in shaping the super race. As the at- tached article by Trevor Lautens of the Vancouver Sun points out: What is permitted today may be- come compulsory tomorrow. It is not my intention to be judgemental of individual women actually seeking an abortion. I am sure there is alot of need for com- passion for many of them I am merely attempting to establish a principle. Yours sincerely, Al Harms DCSS Rally “Disorganized" » The rally the student society coordinated Monday morning during the ‘study period’ was a reflection of complete disorganiza- tion on their behalf. The poor tur- nout by students can be attributed to the complete absence of any sort of publicity campaign to inform students of the upcoming rally. The president of the student society was absent and no one bothered to account for where she was. - Not one speaker had any sort of speech prepared and no one outlined the is- sues. Clarification of issues is es- sential for students to understand the situation. The march to Bill Day’s office was not the brainstorming of the student society, it was initiated by two female spectators. It was an oppor- tune situation with the media present to have the student’s side heard, but the total lack of organiza- tion by the student society quickly eradicated that. If the student society should choose to have further rallies they should begin with a concentrated effort to get organized. The presi- dent or any member of the society missing should be accounted for. Speeches should be prepared prior to the event and one speaker should be responsible for outlining the is- sues. The student society should be responsible for outlining the issues. The student society should have their own plan of action and should take advantage of the congregation of students by having volunteers go through the crowds with petitions. Microphones should be roving through the crowds as it was impos- sible to hear questions being asked by the student body. The student society must take their respon- sibilities seriously and inform the student body in a coherent manner. Suggestions for a more balance presentation would definitely in- clude representatives from both the faculty and administration: More flash and color should be utilized for the sake df the media. A public an- nouncement of the next student sociey meeting would also be beneficial. i If the student society is planning on more rallies in the future, for the sake of Douglas College’s reputa- tion, please try to organize a unified presentation. Sincerely, Tammie Mitchell, Bethany Edwards Prospective educators