fended anata sempre le bape es fy oa aceon ae Ee —=-) eel Se —— ee oe OE Se AMUN A/S NATA ZINA IN IES NON NZ rac seca a, etal Mia ented Celle Ete lid al eee eel eld cdf yf A lig Red eel eaed aren ene x douglas college (604) 520-5400 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Inside INSIDE June 20, 1989 Issue Group Advising Sessions 2 Faculty Profile: Bob Browne 3 New Volleyball Coaches 5 Editorial: Fascist Cries 6 ’ e VCC Installs New Lab r Students Get Cheaper Fares 7 Policy Manual Update 8 Innovation Abstracts 44 Born to Be Wild: College President Bill Day and Helen Rowan, Librarian. Report from the Health Sciences Department Inside Douglas College is published weekly September through April and Pp mM Q it bi-monthly May through August by the ro la U a | Douglas College Public Information Health Inf . iGtnea cimivilor ean ee Office. Submissions are due Tuesday ea t nformation pie Riel abe : noon for publication the following | Services Program Health Information Technologists Tuesday. Submissions are accepted The Health Sciences Dep ent and a two-year preparation for typewritten or on floppy disk in . Health Record Administrators, has is pleased to report that the Health p ce WordPerfect or ASCII format. P P undergone substantial curriculum CO Material may be edited for brevity and | Information Services Program, ae clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions | transferring from B.C.I.T., will be 7 ek Shee Oe cal oe are always welcome. Please contact | in full operation on campus in Sep- ere has been a high level © the Public Information Office, Rm. . 3 4840, loc. 4805. tember 1989. This program, which continued on page 2 hed ama | Health Programs Increase