PROGRAM (FIRST DRAFT) C.F.F. CONVENTION AND A.G.M. CARIBOO COLLEGE, KAMLOOPS, B.C. MAY 8, 9, 10, 1975 Thursday May 8 8:00 9:00 Friday May 9:00 10:30 Noon 1:30 7:00 Saturday 9:30 123.00°; 1:30 tbh > Registration fue ‘ é “Articulation Meetings of Disciplines ie - 4:00 P.M. Invited Speaker (A representative of Provincial Government from Education or Labour Department) Piss ‘ Formal opening of Convention ; Keynote address (An educational innovator e.g. William H. Wright) P.M. Wine and cheese mixer 9 - 10:15 A.M. C.F.F. Committee Reports and Workshops - 12:00 A.M. C.F.F. Committee Reports and Workshops Lunch at College - 5:00 P.M. Annual General Meeting PH. Dinner-dance 4 wy de f May 10 : ' ) suet 5 < is My as — Bah ys ve 7 ate ‘ A.M. Behavioural Objectives” in ; Teaching - Jim Findlay, Sheridan College Toronto, Ontario (tentative) Noon Lunch (Speaker, e.g. P.fl. Gagliardi) Workshop discussions of behavioural objectives in teaching ‘ ae |