lfFe aa Styie The Placebo Effect: New Fashion Trends a Scam By Stephanie Trembath, ‘Life and Style Editor hen I was little my Mom used to give me red M&M’s when I was sick and tell me it was Tylenol. After taking my “medicine” I always felt a little bit better despite my illness. When I was in elementary school she would give me an “energy pill” before my cross country races so that I could run faster. After popping my disguised tic tac, I felt like I could run forever. Today, I am not as naive when it comes to placebos, but I wish I could say the same for the rest of society. With all the modern junk disguised as “stuff you need” today, it’s no wonder our economy is in such an unfortunate state. Feel Renewed with iRenew: Possibly the greatest invention to ever grace the earth, other than the iPad that is, looks like a bracelet and cancels out any need to exercise ever again. You can stuff yourself full of turkey leftovers and for less than $20 achieve results that create a more flexible, stronger, and aerodynamic you. I mean, who has time to go for a run, swim, or walk anymore? We’ re a society that’s much too busy with our blackberries and catching up on the latest twitter feed to be bothered with such trivialities. If I wanted to go for a walk I would take a Google virtual tour; duh. This amazing new piece of technology is called the iRenew Bracelet; which is designed to “inspire each and everyone’s inner strength”, by enhancing the bodies BioField. What’s a BioFeild you say? Before you search for you're iPhone, just wait. A biofield is the hypothetical vital force within the body. In Chinese they call it chi, in Hindu culture they call it prana, and in Japanese they refer to it as ki. Essentially a Biofield in biochemistry terms is the measurable exchanges of energy within orgasms and the environment; it is integral as it regulates our emotional balance, mental functions, and physical wellbeing. Thankfully, instead of wasting our efforts attending yoga, enjoying the outdoors or especially joining team sports with other sweaty individuals, the iRenew Bracelet takes care of all these things for you once you put it on. You can wear it in the water, or while you sleep, to become fully restored back to your normal energies. The iRenew immediately acts on the body, within the first ten minutes, to bring more energy and balance into the body. Improved sleep patterns, reduced stress, better circulation, and an increase in strength are just a few of the amazing benefits iRenew offers. Oh, and the best part; it comes in two fabulous colors to be worn with any outfit. This week, give it a try. It’s perfectly affordable and for $20 you can get TWO; one for each hand just like a pair of ultra-trendy handcuffs, wouldn’t you say? If you don’t like the iRenew style, you can opt to get a Q-Ray bracelet instead; with more feminine detailing, and a European design, the Q-ray bracelet is a bit pricier, but brings optimal results. My personal favourite is the Q-ray Milan bracelet for $212.00; as I plan on quitting all my physical activities so that I can spend more time with my Facebook account, I sure hope it works. BIKRAM YOGA / COLLEGE OF INDIA . NEU if ian & © 2 WEEKS FOR $30 STUDENT RATES AVAILABLE e 2 Yoga Rooms ® Smoothie Bar e Cardio Center e Infrared Sauna e Mats & Towels Available @ © 2 Non-Porous Antibacterial Floor Directly Across from Columbia Skytrain Station Free Parking 428 Columbia Street, New Westminster 604-523-9642 www.bikramyoganewwestminster.com