Briefs continued from page 3 e Hi Notice from Payroll A reminder that advice on how much an individual can contribute to an RRSP each year was included with the individual’s NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT which is issued upon filing a personal income tax return. The notice was issued in the spring of 1992 by Revenue Canada. This is a change from 1991, when Revenue Canada mailed separate statements. Hf Take off... .. to Hornby Island. Stay in a comfortable, fully equipped home on 10 wooded acres near beaches. Sleeps 4-6 people. $45 per- night, $125 per week. Call 526-1956. Hi Sorry, Gerry... A photo of several Douglas College retirees that appeared in the December issue of INside included Gerry Della Mattia, Dean of Human Resources and Col- lege Development. Many people who read it thought that he too had retired: actual- = ly, he was only representing the College Administration at the function. We apologize for any misunderstanding the photo and cutline caused, and Gerry as- sures us that he is many productive years away from receiving the gold watch. « Hungary continued from page 3 “The working relationship has become very good very quickly. It’s a very ap- propriate match between their college and ours,” says John McKendry, Dean of Ap- plied Programs. “When the ACCC fulfills its responsibilities, they will wish to en- sure the continuation of the project. We have the groundwork near completion.” Mr. Sator’s expertise in business cur- riculum and his fluent Hungarian has proved invaluable, says McKendry. He translated for Dr. Horn during his visit to Douglas College. “Jim is a key person. He 2 has lots of skills that we’re really putting into play. It also highlights the need for foreign language speakers.” & Douglas College student Richard Bublitz demonstrated the Boswell project, a keyboarding system designed for people with disabilities, to visitors at the Lincoln Centre Open House on Dec. 9. The following allocation of administrative responsibility for committees and functions was approved by the College Management Committee for the 1992/93 academic year. Committee Education Council** — W.L. Day/J. McKendry Education and Services (Subcommittee of the Board) — G. Gilgan Finance, Facilities & Personnel (Subcommittee of the Board) — P. Greenwood* Community Relations (Subcommittee of the Board) — J. Doerr Faculty P.D. Committee — G. Gilgan Staff Education & Training — J. McKendry Douglas College Foundation — W.L. Day/P. Greenwood Educational Leave — G. Della Mattia Labour/Management - BCGEU — J. McKendry Labour/Management - DCFA — P. Greenwood/M. Gordon/G. Della Mattia College Operations Group** — M. Gordon Admissions Committee — M. Gordon* Appeals Committee — J. Doerr Senior Financial & Administrative Officers — P. Greenwood Senior Instructional Officers — G. Gilgan Senior Educational Services Officers — M. Gordon * Permanent Reporting Relationship. **Rotates with Committee Chair. These allocations are reviewed annually by the College Management Commit- tee, with the expectation that specific assignments rotate every two years. &